Chapter 32

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After Tony and Kenta conversation, Kenta quickly texted Jeff, saying Tony agreed to give Kim.

Kenta typed out a quick message to Jeff, relief washing over him as he hit send.

Jeff's phone buzzed, interrupting his concentration. He glanced at the screen, seeing Kenta's name pop up. His heart raced with anticipation as he opened the message.

From: Kenta

Tony's given the green light. You can bring Kim now.

This made Jeff really happy because he was worried about Kim's safety. Now that Tony agreed, Jeff felt better.

Their plan was all set for tomorrow's race, where Charlie would be racing using the tampered race car.

Knowing Kim would be safe, Jeff could focus on the plan without worrying. This made Jeff feel more confident and ready for what was to come.

Jeff rashed to go to Chen's Mansion and he saw Kenta waiting at the lobby.

"Where is he?" Jeff asked.

"He's upstairs, in the old basement," Kenta replied.

"And Uncle Pon waiting outside with the car to take you home," Kenta added.

Jeff furrowed his brow. "Wait, I thought you were driving us."

Kenta sighed, a weight settling in his chest. "I can't. I don't trust myself to hand Kim over if I'm the one driving you home."

Understanding dawned on Jeff's face, and he nodded in agreement.

"Please, take care of him"

After Kenta left, Jeff grabbed the key and rushed upstairs to find Kim.

Finally, he came across an old door. He opened it and the door made a creaking sound as it swung open.

When he entered the old basement room, he saw a troubling scene. In front of him was Kim, tied up and hurt, showing how badly he'd been treated.

But even though he looked hurt, Jeff saw some bandages, showing that someone had been caring for Kim's injuries. It was strange to see both cruelty and kindness at the same time.

At that time, Kim and Jeff made eye contact, Kim saw a familiar face in front of him, someone he had met before. It was Charlie's younger brother from X Hunter team, known for being an excellent mechanic and having a special ability to see the future. Kim felt grateful and relieved.

With Jeff's assistance, Kim managed to stand up, his hurt shoulder held by Jeff's firm hand. Despite the efforts to heal, the bruises and wounds were a painful reminder of what Kim had been through. They started to leave the old storage room together.

"Careful," Jeff said as they went down the stairs, making sure Kim's safety.

After leaving Chen's big house, they saw a dark van waiting for them. Uncle Pon quickly helped Jeff and Kim get in safely, and then the door closed. Jeff looked around and saw Kenta watching them before he went back inside the house.

Jeff glanced at Kim and saw that he had his eyes shut, maybe because he was feeling really tired and hurt from his injuries.

"I see, you're now the most valuable asset of Kenta," Jeff murmured to himself as he pondered the situation.

Kenta had finally recovered physically, but his heart was heavy with pain as he saw Kim and Jeff drive away, he couldn't help but feel sad.

All he could do was sigh and watch as the car faded into the distance, feeling a mix of emotions.

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