Chapter 15

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Kenta was on his way to Tony's office, feeling anxious and unsure of what was to come. Tony was a man who prided himself on being the best, and losing was not an option.

"Mr. Tony, I have some bad news," Kenta began, his voice trembling slightly.

"What is it?" Tony replied, not even bothering to look up from his laptop.

"We lost the deal with Beyond Group," Kenta said, trying to keep his tone neutral.

"What? How is that possible?" Tony exclaimed, finally looking up at Kenta.

Tony exclaimed, "We had the best proposal, we even accept their terms in contract."

"I'm sorry", the only words that came to Kenta with mouth

"Then, how did they beat us?" Tony asked.

"They lobbied harder and offered a better deal," Kenta explained, knowing that it wouldn't be enough to appease Tony's anger.

"Damn it!" Tony slammed his laptop shut, causing Kenta to flinch.

"I can't believe this. This was a huge deal for us, and now we've lost it to our biggest competitor."

"I'm very sorry" Kenta said, feeling guilty for being the bearer of bad news.

Tony let out a frustrated sigh and took a sip of the drink in his hand. Kenta could see the anger boiling inside him, and he braced himself for whatever outburst was coming next.

But he wasn't expecting what happened next. In a fit of rage, Tony splashed the drink in his hand onto Kenta's face.

"You're sorry? Sorry isn't going to fix this mess," Tony snapped.

"And now, the person we were dealing with is asking for three times the payment from our previous deal. This is a disaster."

Kenta knew that Tony was not only angry but also worried about the financial implications of this loss.

"What do we do now?" Kenta asked, trying to come up with a solution.

"I'll tell you what we do. Freeze the investment into the Red Racing Team and give that person the money they're asking for. We can't afford to lose any more deals," Tony said, his tone firm.

Kenta's knew that this decision would have a huge impact on the Red Racing Team, and it could potentially affect their chances of winning the championship.

"But what about the Red Racing team? We've invested so much into them, and they have a real shot at winning the championship this year," Kenta protested.

"I don't care about racing, Kenta. It doesn't make me as much money as our duty-free business. We need to focus on what's best for the company," Tony said, his tone final.

Kenta nodded and obeyed Tony's order. He knew that there was no use in arguing with him. He walked out of the building and headed straight to the comfort room to wash up the juice that Tony's thrown to him.

The stress of the situation was taking its toll on him, and he needed to calm himself down. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he saw a face that was no longer filled with the passion and drive that had once fueled him.

Kenta let out a frustrated sigh and clenched his fists. Feeling a surge of anger, Kenta couldn't hold it in any longer. He let out a loud yell, the echo of his voice bouncing off the walls of the comfort room.


He punched the wall, feeling a sense of release as the pain shot through his hand. But as he looked at his hand, now bruised and bloodied from the impact.

On the other hand, Kim from Team Red Racing was determined to find out the truth about the recent accident.

Kim has began to investigate after he found the CCTV footage suspicious. He could not shake off the feeling that there was something fishy about the whole situation.

It had been weeks since that accident, and yet, the truth still seemed to elude him.

Kim had a gut feeling that something wasn't right. He couldn't shake off the nagging suspicion that someone had deliberately caused the accident.

With determination in his eyes, Kim made his way to X Hunter garage, determined to get to the bottom of things.

Kim decided to start by talking to Babe's mechanic, who had been working on his car before the race. As he questioned him, he noticed that he seemed nervous and evasive. But he denied having anything to do with the incident.

He searched every nook and corner, sifting through evidence and talking to anyone who might have seen or heard something that night.

But the more he investigated, the more frustrated he became. It seemed like everyone was afraid to speak up, or they simply had no information to offer.

Feeling defeated, Kim returned to Red Racing garage. As he sat on the sofa, going through the evidence he had gathered so far, Someone barged in, looking furious. The prime suspect on his list was none other than Winner.

"What do you think you're doing?" Winner snapped, his eyes blazing with anger.

Kim remained calm, knowing that he had nothing to hide.

"I'm just doing my job, Winner. I need to find out the truth about what happened to Babe."

Winner tries to stop him, saying the investigation might have a negative effect on Team Red Racing. Does he know who was behind the accident and Red Racing's involvement?

Winner scoffed. "You're just wasting your time. I know you think I did it, but it wasn't me or anyone from our team."

Kim raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Then who was it?"

"It doesn't matter," Winner replied dismissively. "All that matters is that Babe is out of the way, and it's my time to shine and win."

Kim's blood boiled at Winner's callousness. "You don't care about Babe or the accident, do you? All you care about is winning."

Winner shrugged nonchalantly. "That's what racing is all about, isn't it? To win at all costs."

"But at the cost of someone's life?" Kim retorted, his voice laced with anger.

Winner's expression hardened. "Don't get too emotional, Kim. It's just business. And Babe was a liability to our team. Now that she's out of the way, we can finally dominate the racing world."

Kim couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always known that Winner was ruthless, but he never thought he would stoop so low.

"I won't let you get away with this, Winner. I will find out the truth, and justice will be served.'"

Winner's eyes narrowed, and a sinister smile formed on his lips.

"Are you sure about that, Kim? Because if you continue with this investigation, I will make sure you're kicked out of the team."

Kim's heart sank at the threat. He knew that Winner had connections in high places, and he could make good on his promise. But he also knew that he couldn't let this go. He had to find out the truth and bring justice to Babe.

He looked up at Winner with determination in his eyes. "I won't back down, Winner. I will continue to investigate and bring the truth to light."

Winner's smile faded, and he stormed out of the office, leaving Kim alone with his thoughts. He knew that he was risking his career by going against Winner, but he couldn't let him get away with what he had done.

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