Chapter 2

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Tony Chen, CEO of UAC CORP, confidently strode onto the stage in front of a room full of journalists and reporters. The topic of the press conference was the company's recent investment in the Red Racing Team, a popular and successful racing team in Thailand.

As Tony took his place behind the podium, a journalist from a small newspaper raised their hand to ask the first question.

"Mr. Chen, there have been rumors circulating that UAC CORP is using this investment as a way to launder money. Can you comment on that?"

Tony's expression remained calm as he responded, "I can assure you that UAC CORP has no involvement in any illegal activities. Our investment in the Red Racing Team is solely for the purpose of promoting and advancing the Thailand race industry. We believe in the potential of this team and are committed to helping them achieve even greater success."

The journalist nodded, but Tony could tell that the skepticism lingered. He had expected this question to come up, as there had been whispers in the industry about UAC CORP's involvement with shady dealings.

After the interview, Tony returned to his office. Kenta was waiting for him. Kenta had been closely monitoring the company's stocks since the announcement of the Red Racing investment.

"Mr. Tony, I have good news," Kenta said.

"Since the press conference, UAC CORP's stocks have risen by 15 percent. We have made a significant profit."

Tony nodded, pleased with the outcome. "As I expected."

Kenta cleared his throat before speaking. "Sir, I have completed the task you assigned to me. I have sold the stocks and saved the money for Chen Foundation, just as you instructed."

Tony's face broke into a pleased smile. "Good, you never disappoint me"

Tony leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. "Now, let's move on to the next matter. I have been thinking about expanding Red Racing and bringing in some foreign racers. What do you think about that?"

Kenta's eyes widened in surprise. This was a big decision, and he was surprised that Tony was considering it.

"Well, sir, it could definitely bring in more competition and boost our team's performance. But it would also require a lot of resources and planning."

Tony nodded, deep in thought. "Okay, you can now leave"

Kenta nodded and walked out of the office.

Meanwhile, Tony sat in his swivel chair, going through some papers. He had a serious expression on his face as he scanned the list of racers.

As he continued to go through the papers, Tony couldn't help but feel excited about his plan. As he went through the names, one particular racer caught his eye. Minsu Kim. He was a young, talented racer from South Korea, with a promising career ahead of him.

"Minsu Kim..." Tony whispered to himself and smiled.

A few days later, Tony is in his office, having a conversation with someone.

Tony got wind that Babe was a top racer in X Hunter. Intrigued by a chance to mess with his favourite son's success, Tony decided to back the Red Racing Team, X Hunter's biggest rivals.

"I heard Babe's making waves with X Hunter. It's time to mix things up."

To make his plan work, Tony needed a strong competitor. That's when he came across Kim, a confident Thai-Korean racer known for his fair play and sportsmanship. Tony saw him as the perfect secret weapon against Babe and X Hunter.

"Kim, join the Red Racing Team. I'm backing them, and I want you to be their secret weapon against Babe and X Hunter," Tony said, offering her a deal.

Kim, who had a good track record for playing by the rules, raised an eyebrow but listened to Tony's proposal. He was intrigued but also skeptical.

"I race with dignity, ethics, and fairness. Are we talking about a fair competition here or something else?" Kim questioned, wanting to make sure he was not being lured into a dirty game.

Tony couldn't help but grin, hinting at his sneaky plan. "Sure, it's a competition. But let's say I want you to give Babe's team a hard time. Beat them on the track, Kim."

Kim was torn between his principles and the tempting offer. He knew he had the skills to challenge Babe's winning streak, but he didn't want to compromise his values.

"I race to win, but I won't break my values. If you want a fair competition, I'm in. But no dirty tricks," Kim firmly stated, making it clear that he wouldn't play by anyone's rules but his own.

Tony agreed, thinking that Kim's skill and honesty would be enough to challenge Babe's team.

While Tony and Kim talked, Kenta was right outside the office door, unintentionally overhearing their conversation. His serious expression hinted at his curiosity about Tony's plan and the identity of the mysterious racer.

Kenta whispering to himself, "Kim? Is he genuinely considering getting a racer from another country for the Red Racing Team?"

"What's Tony scheming" He muttered to himself.

As Kenta strained to catch more of the conversation, he became aware of approaching footsteps. Mindful that he might be caught listening in, Kenta prepared to discreetly slip away.

However, fate had other plans. Just as Kenta was about to make a quiet exit, the door unexpectedly swung open. Startled, he found himself face to face with Kim, who was leaving Tony's office.

In that moment, Kenta and Kim, standing incredibly close, shared an awkward pause, their faces almost touching. The unexpected encounter left them both in a curious position, creating an unforeseen connection that added an intriguing twist to the unfolding drama.

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