Chapter 10

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Kim woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing loudly. He groggily opened his eyes and rubbed them, trying to shake off the drowsiness. He sat up in bed and stretched his arms, feeling the warm rays of the sun coming through his window. He smiled, today was going to be a great day.

He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. After taking a quick shower, he got dressed and headed down to the first floor to have breakfast. As he made his way through the lobby, he couldn't help but notice a familiar figure in a black shirt. It was Kenta.

Kim's heart skipped a beat as he saw Kenta. He quickly tried to turn away, hoping to avoid any interaction with him. But it was too late, Kenta had already spotted him and called out his name.

"Kim!" Kenta exclaimed, causing heads to turn towards them.

Kim stopped in his tracks and gave a shy smile to the people staring at them. He hurriedly walked towards Kenta, hoping to escape the attention they were getting.

They eventually reached a corner of the lobby where they couldn't be seen by others. Kim turned to face Kenta, annoyed that he had shouted his name and caused all the attention.

"Why did you shout my name like that?" he asked, trying to keep his voice low.

Kenta didn't reply at first, instead, his eyes wandered to where Kim was holding his hands. Kim looked down and realized that he was still holding Kenta's hand. He quickly let go and stuttered an apology before turning his head away, embarrassed by his actions.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hold your hand". Kim said, his cheeks turning red.

Kenta smiled and said "It's okay, I don't mind".

Kim couldn't help but notice the slight curve of Kenta's lips and realized that he was smiling. He couldn't believe it, Kenta, who always seemed serious and unapproachable, was actually capable of smiling.

"Oh, you smile!" Kim exclaimed, unable to contain his surprise.

Kenta's smile faded and he turned back to his serious expression. Kim couldn't help but tease him, saying that he's not a robot, he's a person who knows how to smile.

Kim then teasingly remarked, "Oh, you know how to smile too. I thought you were a robot."

Kenta's face turned slightly red and he cleared his throat, trying to change the subject. He said that he was actually here to return something. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. Kim's eyes widened as he recognized the necklace.

"I found this on the front seat of my car last night. I realized it must be yours," Kenta said, handing the necklace to Kim.

Kim was shocked, he hadn't even realized that he had lost his necklace as he touched his own neck. He exclaimed, "Oh my god, I didn't even realize it was gone!"

He took it from Kenta's hand and thanked him sincerely.

"Thank you so much, Kenta. I didn't even realize I had lost it," Kim said, a wide smile on his face.

Kim sincerely thanked him and added, "You know, you could have just called me instead of coming all the way back to the hotel."

Kenta shrugged. "I don't have your number."

Kim suddenly remembered and pulled out his wallet. "Oh right, let me give you my calling card."

Kenta took the card and was about to leave when Kim stopped him. "Wait, have you had breakfast yet? I was just about to go to the buffet. Why don't you join me?"

Kenta hesitated at first but eventually agreed and they made their way to the buffet.

As they stood in front of the buffet, Kenta grabbed a plate for himself and offered another one to Kim.

Kim gratefully accepted, saying, "Thank you, Kenta."

He then scanned the food, but was unfamiliar with the dishes in front of him. They were all Thai food, something that Kim had never tried before.

Kenta noticed that Kim was staring at the food for a long time and realized that he might be feeling overwhelmed. So, he asked Kim. "Not familiar by the menu?"

Kim snapped out of his daze and turned to Kenta with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, I'm just not familiar with this food," he replied, gesturing to the arranged of dishes on display.

Kenta took it upon himself to introduce some of the Thai dishes to Kim.

"First up, we have Jok, it's like a comforting Thai congee. Perfect if you want something warm and soothing."

As he continued, Kenta pointed out different dishes.

"And over here, we've got Moo Ping, grilled pork skewers with sticky rice. It's a popular street food"

Kenta's shared more recommendations.

"Now, Paa Tong Koo a Thai Donuts, they're sweet and crispy. Perfect for a little dessert or snack."

Seeing Kim's curiosity, Kenta continued to showcase the culinary delights.

"Khai Jiao is a Thai omelette with rice. Simple, but the taste is amazing. And for something unique, try Khanom Pang Na Moo a Thai fried bread with minced pork. It's a delight"

Kenta thoughtfully added suggestions for Kim. "Since you're Korean, you might enjoy Khai Jiao"

Kim, now more at ease, thanked Kenta for his guidance. "Thanks, Kenta! I'll trust your recommendation"

As they sat down to eat, they both ate in silence. Kim couldn't help but feel grateful towards Kenta for his kindness even his a bit unapproachable.

Kim finally broke the silence and said, "Kenta, about last night..."

Kenta quickly cut him off, saying, "Let's just forget it happened."

Kim's frown deepened, but Kenta didn't seem to care and continued eating his food. Kim couldn't believe that Kenta wanted to forget the accident kiss that had happened between them in the car the night before. He felt a surge of anger towards Kenta for wanting to brush it off so easily.

Kenta noticed Kim's expression and realized that he had probably upset him. He decided to use a more serious tone.

"It was just an accident, Kim. It meant nothing. No hard feelings."

Kim couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stood up abruptly, making Kenta look at him in surprise. He was annoyed and just wanted to leave.

"I'm already full. I'll just leave". He then quickly left the restaurant, leaving Kenta alone at the table.

Kenta let out a sigh and watched as Kim angrily walked out of the restaurant. He couldn't help but feel guilty for causing him distress. He whispered to himself.

"I'm sorry, Kim."

Pain Inside Me (Kenta × Kim)Where stories live. Discover now