Chapter 11

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Days had passed and it was finally the day of the highly anticipated race. The track was filled with a sea of people, all eagerly waiting for the competition to begin.

The two most popular racers, X Hunter and Red Racing, were the main attraction and their fans were out in full force.

As the racers made their way onto the track, the crowd erupted into cheers.

Among the racers were Kim, Winner, Babe, and Way, all walking confidently towards their cars. They were the four star racers, each with their own unique style and skills.

The tension mounted as the race was about to commence. The commentator's voice echoed through the loudspeakers, introducing the star racers.

As the commentator hype the audience, "Get ready for an epic showdown. The track is set, and the excitement is through the roof!"

Kim and Babe were the closest rivals, both determined to win the race. As they put on their helmets, Kim couldn't help but overhear Alan, the captain of X Hunter team.

"Babe, those headaches...are you sure you're okay?"

Babe, dismissing concerns, replied.

"I'm good, Alan. Nothing's gonna stop me from winning this."

With determination in their eyes, the racers, including Red Racing and X Hunter, took their positions. The crowd's cheers reached a crescendo, eagerly anticipating the clash of these skilled competitors.

Kim then turned to Winner and told him to do their best.

"Let's give it our all, Winner. Let's do our best"

Winner, with a smirk on his lips, responded.

"Don't worry about me, Kim. Worry about yourself."

The engines roared to life as all the racers started their cars. The sound was deafening, but it only made the fans cheer even louder for their favorite racers. The race was about to begin.

As soon as he heard a gun shot, Kim took off, overtaking the other racers. Winner was by his side, supporting him and making sure no one else could overtake him. Kim could see Babe's car in the distance and he pressed down on the gas, determined to catch up.

"This is it, Babe! Let's see who's the fastest!"

Babe, focused on the race, gave a determined nod.

"Bring it on, Kim!"

As they approached the finish line, the outcome remained uncertain. The roar of engines echoed, drowning out all other sounds, and the racers pushed their cars to the limits, fueled by the desire to be the champion of this highly anticipated race.

The race track echoed with the commentator ecstatic voice, painting a vivid picture of the intense competition.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we've got an incredible race unfolding here! Kim and Babe, neck and neck, showcasing their unmatched skills. The crowd is on their feet!"

Kim's car, once struggling to match Babe's speed , was now at an equal pace but Babe maintained a clear lead.

The roar of engines filled the air, creating a symphony of adrenaline for the eager spectators.

The commentator said, "Kim is gaining ground! He's matching Babe's speed! This is a showdown, folks!"

Despite the excitement, Kim couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Babe's car. It was behaving strangely, swerving and slowing down unpredictably.

Kim knew there was something wrong, but he couldn't let that distract him.

Kim muttering to himself, "Keep your eyes on the road, Kim. Don't let anything distract you."

With determination, Kim overtook Babe, taking the lead. However, in his rearview mirror, he noticed Babe's car approaching rapidly. The crowd's cheers intensified as the two racers engaged in a fierce battle for supremacy.

"Come on, Babe, let's finish this fair and square!"

Yet, Babe's car continued to behave strangely. Suddenly, it lost control, veering off the track and erupting into flames. Gasps of shock echoed through the crowd, including the commentator.

Kim whispered "No... Babe!"

Kim was taken aback by what had happened, but he knew that the competition must go on. He stepped on the gas, driving his car even faster towards the finish line.

But as he crossed the finish line and the checkered flag was waved, Kim couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Amidst the chaos at the racing scene, the officials worked frantically to handle the aftermath of Babe's fiery crash.

Official 1: "Get the fire extinguishers! We need to put this out!"

Official 2: "Call for medical assistance! We've got to rescue Babe!"

He looked back at the burning wreckage of Babe's car and couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not right. The cheers of the fans were replaced by worried murmurs.

Crowd Member: "Did you see that? Babe's car... it just went up in flames!"

Another Spectator: "Is he okay? What happened?"

The tram observed the scene, realizing something was off with Babe's driving style during the race.

Tram Member: "Babe's driving was different. Something went wrong with the car."

As the tension rose, Charlie rushed onto the field, determined to save Babe.

"Let me through! I need to get Babe out of there!"

The race officials rushed to the scene, attempting to extinguish the flames and assess the situation but Charlie managed to reach the burning car.

Charlie shouted, "Hang in there, Babe!"

Ignoring the attempts to hold him back. The announcer's voice, now somber, tried to provide updates.

"We're getting assistance for Babe. Emergency services are on their way. Let's hope he's okay."

Charlie rescued Babe just in time before the emergency medical team arrived.

Emergency Medical Team Member 1: "Careful with him, he's in bad shape. We've got to get him to the hospital."

Emergency Medical Team Member 2: "We'll take it from here. He's going to the hospital."

The once vibrant atmosphere of victory was now replaced by a somber mood, with the fans holding their breath for any updates on Babe's condition.

As the racing tram reviewed the incident, Kim stood on the podium as the declared winner. Yet, the joy was overshadowed by concern for Babe.

Eventually, the commentator's announce that Kim is the winner.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Incredible performance by Kim! He's the champion of this thrilling race!"

Kim whispered to himself, "I won, but at what cost?"

Kim was declared the winner, but the victory felt bittersweet. He couldn't help but think about Babe and what had happened to him.

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