Chapter 13: Part 3 (18+)

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"W-what did you say?" he asked, needing to be sure he had heard correctly.

"Huh?" Kim was now confused.

"I mean... W-what did you just call me?" Kenta asked again.

"K-Ken?" Kim said, his eyes widening in shock.

Kenta was shocked as well. It had been so many years since someone had called him by that name. Ken was his nickname, short for Kenta, and it was a name he hadn't heard in a long time. Emotions swirled inside him, but he managed to keep them in check.

"I don't have lubricant," Kenta said, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"It's o-okay," Kim answered

"But-" before Kenta could even complete his sentence, Kim cut him off.

"Just do it, please!" Kim said in annoyance.

Kenta knew he couldn't delay it any longer. He had been wanting to take this step with Kim for a while now, and he didn't want to ruin the moment by not being prepared. But with no lubricant in sight, he knew he had to make do.

With a determined look in his eyes, Kenta slowly moved his hand down to Kim's bottom, sucking on his own finger before letting it come to rest at Kim's entrance. He gently pressed against it, trying to ease it open, while he continued to kiss Kim's mouth and play with his nipples with his other hand. He wanted to distract Kim from any discomfort he might feel.

Kim closed his eyes, trying to relax as Kenta's finger entered him. It was a strange sensation, but he trusted Kenta and knew that he would take care of him. He moaned softly as Kenta's finger moved in and out, preparing him for what was to come.

Kenta could feel Kim's body beginning to relax, and he knew it was time to take the next step. He slowly removed his finger and reached for his own arousal, using his own natural lubricant to prepare himself.

Finally, when Kim's bottom seemed to be ready, Kim watched him with wide eyes, his body trembling with anticipation. He had never felt this way before, this intense need for someone else's touch. But Kenta made Kim feel things he never thought were possible.

As Kenta's hand moved over his own arousal, Kim's breath caught in his throat. He couldn't believe this was happening, that he was about to give himself to someone for the first time.
But then Kenta's words stopped him in his tracks.

"I don't have a condom," he said, his voice filled with concern.

Kim's heart sank. He had been so lost in the moment that he hadn't even thought about protection. But then again, Kenta didn't do this often, he was inexperienced just like Kim.

' you...c-can't you just do it?' Kim asked, his annoyance clear in his voice. He needed Kenta, he needed to feel his touch, especially now when his body was buzzing with the effects of the drug he had taken.

Kenta's eyes softened as he looked at Kim, understanding the desperation in his voice. He had to admit, he was just as desperate to be with Kim, to make him feel pleasure like he had never felt before.

Carefully, Kenta positioned himself in front of Kim, his huge arousal throbbing with need. He could see the fear in Kim's eyes, but also the desire. He knew he had to be gentle, to make this experience as perfect as possible for both of them.

"I'm coming in, Kim. Tell me if you're hurt," Kenta whispered, his lips brushing against Kim's ear as he spoke.

He couldn't resist the urge to kiss the sensitive spot behind Kim's ear, making him shiver with pleasure.

Kim nodded slightly, his arms tightening around Kenta's body. And then, in one swift movement, they became one.

With a deep breath, Kenta slowly entered Kim, his eyes never leaving his face. He could feel the tightness and the heat surrounding him, and he had to bite his lip to stop himself from losing control.

Kim gasped and clutched onto Kenta's shoulders, his nails digging into his skin. It was painful at first, Kim knew it was going to hurt, but he couldn't have imagined just how much.

Kenta immediately understood and froze his movement, giving Kim a moment to adjust. He continued to soothe him with kisses and gentle rubbings.

"You okay?" Kenta asked, his voice filled with concern.

"I-I'm... okay, just move," Kim managed to say through his tears becauseof the pain.

"Try to loosen up, it won't hurt for long," Kenta advised, his heart aching for Kim's pain.

With Kenta's guidance, Kim started to relax and the pain slowly dissipated. Kenta began to move his bottom slowly, his eyes never leaving Kim's face. Kim's eyebrows were slightly furrowed with each movement, but soon, the pain was replaced by a strange and pleasurable feeling.

Kim's mouth was still open and his eyes were watery, but they held a dreamy look that showed just how much he was enjoying it.

"Ah...K-Ken. That's... good," Kim moaned, his words barely coherent.

"Do you know how sexy you look right now?" Kenta seductively whispered, his movements becoming more intense.

'Ah... hah.. Ken!' Kim moaned, his body responding to Kenta's touch.

"Shout my name, Kim!" Kenta urged, his voice filled with desire.

"Ken!.. Hmm.." Kim moaned, his voice filled with pleasure.

Kim's mind was in a state of pure ecstasy, his body completely consumed by the intense pleasure that Kenta was giving him. He couldn't control the words that tumbled out of his mouth, his thoughts lost in the overwhelming sensations.

Kenta had been pushing him to his limits all night, each touch and caress sending waves of pleasure through his body. And now, as Kenta's last straw was finally swept away, Kim couldn't hold on any longer.

He let out a loud moan as Kenta's thing went all the way inside him, his hands gripping onto Kenta's shoulders as if holding on for dear life.

"Uhhh... Ah"

The room was filled with the sounds of their bodies moving together, the embarrassing noises only adding to the intensity of the moment.

Kenta was no longer gentle, his movements becoming faster and more urgent with each passing second. Kim cried out his name, unable to form any coherent words as the pleasure overwhelmed him.


Their lips met in numerous kisses, their eyes locked on each other in a passionate gaze. Kim's cheeks flushed with the rush of blood, his lips swollen and bruised from their passionate kisses.

At first, Kenta's face had a look of pure happiness that Kim had never seen before. But then, as the pleasure continued to build.

Suddenly, Kenta changed their position, turning Kim over so that he was lying on his stomach. The sudden shift caused Kenta to hit a new spot inside Kim, sending a shock of pleasure through his body.

Kenta covered Kim's back with his body, his face close to Kim's as their movements became even more intense. The heat and speed were almost unbearable, but Kim couldn't bring himself to tell Kenta to slow down.

"Ken... ah.....ah..K-Ken!"


As they both neared their limit, they kissed and breathed heavily, their bodies moving in perfect sync. And then, with a roar of satisfaction, they both let go, their bodies collapsing in exhaustion.

Kim was completely spent, his body collapsing onto the bed as he drifted off to sleep. Kenta lay beside him, still catching his breath and gazing up at the ceiling in disbelief.

"What did I do?" Kenta whispered to himself, his eyes never leaving Kim's sleeping form.

"This is the first time I've acted so impulsively." He looked at Kim with a mixture of awe and adoration.

"You're the only one who's ever made me feel like this, Kim."

As Kenta's eyelids grew heavy, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the intense pleasure that Kim had brought into his life. He fell asleep watching Kim's peaceful sleeping face, knowing that he had found something truly special in this impulsive, passionate moment.

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