Chapter 26

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Kim is stuck in a hidden room where no one can see, lying on the chilly, tough ground.

His messy look, with bruises and cuts all over, shows he's been in pain for days now.

Within the dimly lit room, Kenta stands silently, observing Kim with an emotionless expression on his face.

"I thought you were different," Kim says sadly, looking up at Kenta. Kenta keeps staring at Kim, his eyes showing mixed feelings.

Kim manages to sit up straight without using his hands, even though it's difficult for him because his hand are tied up.

Just as two men were about to come close to Kim, Kenta signals for the guards to leave, making the situation tense and quiet between them.

"But you're just like Tony..."

Kenta turned away from Kim and seemed like he was going to leave the room, but Kim's words made him stop suddenly.

"You're a monster!" Kim shouts loudly, sounding really angry and frustrated.

Kenta looks at Kim with an angry look, but there's also some sadness in his eyes. Kenta starts walking towards Kim slowly, taking careful steps.

"You won't understand me!" Kenta angrily blames Kim, accusing them with bitterness in his voice.

"I tried..." Kim quietly speaks, and Kenta hears him, which makes Kenta annoyed and surprised at the same time, showing on his face.

"But I really can't understand you," Kim adds, looking down at the cold floor beneath him.

"Babe and others have also gone through what you've experienced with Tony. But they didn't tolerate him. I don't personally know Babe, but I have a feeling he went through many challenges to achieve the success he has now."

"He's not an object you guys can sell. You should know that because you're in the same situation as Babe" Kim's voice gets louder as he speaks with confidence.

"I thought... no... I... you're right," Kim struggles to speak clearly because his thoughts are confused. He wants to say more, but decides to only speak what's important for both of them.

Kenta stays quiet because he's not sure how to deal with all the feelings Kim's words brought up in him. He doesn't realize that Kim tried to understand him and look past his tough outer shell.

Kenta tries hard to hide his feelings, keeping his face blank. He can't let Kim affect him because Tony might use it against him.

Kim is just a tool that Tony might use to make Kenta look weak, and Kenta knows Tony would get rid of him easily if that happened.

Kenta gives Kim a mean smirk as he looks down at him, his words stabbing like sharp blades. "Do you really think you'll ever matter to me?"

"You're just another alpha I've shared a bed with, nothing more,"

Kenta leaned in closer to Kim, bringing his face near him.

"Do you really think I have any feelings for you?" Kenta's voice drips with disgust.

"I never cared for you, and I never will. I'm only following my father's orders, so don't delude yourself into thinking you can change me," Kenta declares coldly.

"Don't waste your time trying to understand me. Focus on finding a way out of here, or you'll meet your end in this place," Kenta warns, his voice filled with danger.

Kim felt shocked and hurt by what Kenta said. He realized that everything they had shared was all fake and had hoped to change Kenta for the better. But now he saw Kenta was just like Tony, someone Kim hated. Anger built up inside him until he couldn't handle it anymore.

Pain Inside Me (Kenta × Kim)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα