Chapter 28

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Kenta entered the dim room carefully. He felt nervous when he saw Kim sitting weakly against the wall, looking nothing like his usual self.

The room felt tense, as if it knew something serious was happening.

Approaching Kim with worry and caution, Kenta noticed how much pain Kim was in just by looking at him.

Each difficult breath Kim took, making him feel like he needed to do something quickly. Kenta was about to touch Kim when Kim's voice startles him.

"Don't dare touch me with those dirty hands," Kim's words carried bitterness, reflecting the pain he felt inside.

Surprised by Kim's sudden response, Kenta paused for a moment, looking at Kim. He carefully put a tray of food next to Kim.

"You gotta eat to get your energy back. There's no point in fighting if you're starving"

The room grew really quiet while Kim stayed still, staring at the food without moving.

As Kenta came over with a plate of food, he held out the spoon to Kim, showing he cared.

But Kim stayed still, keeping his mouth closed, not wanting the food Kenta offered.

"Can't you just eat the food so you can take your medicine?" Kenta begged with concern in his voice, but Kim's reply showed defiance.

"Do I look like an infant to you, to be spoon-fed?" Even though Kenta begged him earnestly.

Kim stayed stubborn, clearly showing his refusal by turning his face away, silently rejecting the help being offered.

"I can't untie you, so please open your mouth and eat," Kenta begged, sounding desperate, but Kim remained stubborn and resistant.

"Can't you understand that I don't want to eat?" Kim sounded frustrated as he spoke, his voice filled with emotion.

"Just kill me instead," Kim's words cut through the tense atmosphere, showing how hopeless he felt with every word he uttered, leaving a heavy silence in their wake.

Kenta looked really worried, his face showing lines of concern as he tried hard to convince Kim to take care of himself.

"Please, just eat." He spoke gently, hoping to make Kim understand.

But Kim stayed firm, refusing to give in, as he closed his eyes, blocking out everything around him.

Feeling sad, Kenta sighed in defeat and put the spoonful of food back on the plate, realizing his efforts to persuade Kim to eat were in vain.

Even though Kenta untie Kim's hand but his feet was remained tied together, Kim stayed still, showing he wouldn't change his mind. He didn't even try to pick up the spoon and eat.

Kenta sat down next to Kim against the wall, trying to connect with him emotionally.

"Can't you see I treated you differently"

But Kim stayed silent, his thoughts unclear.

"Can't you just trust me?" Kenta pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.

Gradually, Kim looked at Kenta, his face showing caution.

"Trust?" Kim's sarcastic laughter was like armor, protecting him from the pain he held inside.

"Are you going to use my feelings for you to manipulate me again? Huh!" Kim's words were filled with bitterness and felt like a betrayal.

Surprised, Kenta looked at Kim feeling sorry and regretful.

"I-I..." His words stumbled, burdened by things left unsaid, so he decided to stay quiet instead.

"I am not a God who offer multiple chances," Kim's voice sounded determined and resolute as he spoke, his tone showing that he had made up his mind and wouldn't change it.

"I don't forgive easily if someone breaks my trust"

"I heard about X Hunter trying to take you, but Winner stopped them," Kenta added, changing the subject smoothly.

Kim stared intensely at Kenta and asked him a direct question.

"Be honest with me" Kim asked.

"Why are you here?" He asked sharply.

Kenta paused before replying, sounding unsure, "I'm just here to see you..."

Kenta's ear heard a little sound on the door making Kenta stop for a second that he might only be the one who can hear it because of his sensitive ears like a cat senses of what Kim's reminded him.

"If you're still alive!" Kenta continued.

"But it looks like you're hanging longer than I thought," he said with a confident tone, showing he was impressed.

Kim became very angry and started a fight with Kenta. They both fell down.

Kim looked scary as he put his hands on the floor, keeping himself on top of Kenta, challenging him to do something.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Kenta's voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

Kim's smile got bigger, his eyes gleaming with a sneaky idea as he got near Kenta. His breath tickled Kenta's ear, making things tense.

Then, Kim unexpectedly bit Kenta's ear, asserting dominance in their risky game.

Shocked, Kenta could only weakly react, scared and realizing what was happening.


With a cold silence, Kim stared straight at Kenta, his eyes showing no kindness, a chilling reminder of how ruthless he could be.

"Don't think I'm weak. I'm stronger than you think," He said firmly, looking directly at Kenta's eyes without blinking.

"It's not just me who should go suffer in this relationship, but you too" He teased Kenta with a fierce look in his eyes.

Kenta was shocked by Kim's sudden change in behavior, and it was clear from his expression that he couldn't believe what was happening.

Kim said firmly, "I won't let you make me suffer alone. You'll pay for what you did," his words sounding sure and chilly.

As Kim touched Kenta's ear, his voice sounded spooky and hard to forget.

"That mark will serve as a reminder of my presence in your life"

"It doesn't mean I have feelings on you...." Kim stop for a moment.

"You can try to use that as your advantage, but remember, I'm far more...psycho than you think," his words hanging in the air like a menacing promise.

Kenta pushed Kim back quickly, standing up fast, leaving Kim behind.

But before he opened the door, he looked at Kim and reminded him to eat the food.

"Please eat and take your medicine"

As Kenta opened the door, he felt a jolt of surprise seeing Tony's cocky face.

Tony grinned smugly and glanced at Kenta's ear, where a faint mark from Kim remained, making a lasting impact.

"Interesting" Tony thought out loud, sounding amused as he walked away, leaving Kenta to think about what just happened.

While that was happening, Kenta turned in the other direction, thinking about the fight he just had.

Not paying attention to where he was going, he ended up in front of his car, the engine running as he drove home along the usual path.

By himself in front of the mirror, Kenta touched the mark on his ear. The marked that will be remained forever until he die.

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