Chapter 5

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In a quiet spot, Kim found Winner trying to pay someone to hurt Babe. Kim got mad and confronted Winner, holding onto his shirt.

"What did you do! Why did you hurt Babe?" Kim asked angrily, looking straight into Winner's eyes.

Winner, not bothered, grinned and said, "He's a threat. If he's hurt, I have a better chance of winning."

Kim, really angry, replied, "This is terrible. You can't play with someone's safety just to win. It's not about winning no matter what, it's about fair play and being a good sportsman."

Winner, cold and not sorry, said, "I don't care about being fair. I only care about winning."

Disgusted, Kim walked away, deciding to tell the racing authorities about Winner's actions. As Babe went for treatment, Kim couldn't stop feeling frustrated and worried.

The dark side of racing was revealed, and it was ruining the friendship among racers.

Kim understood that trying to win at any cost was making some racers forget about being fair and friendly.

Heading to the officials, Kim promised to tell them everything and make sure Winner faced consequences for his actions.

Kim hurried to Tony's office, wanting to talk about Winner's cheating in the race. Outside the office, Kenta, Tony's helper, stopped him and said Tony was busy in a meeting.

"You can't disturb him now," Kenta said, looking at Kim. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be training?"

Kim replied with sarcasm, "Are you stalking me, keeping tabs on my schedule? I'm here to discuss something. It's urgent."

Kenta told Kim to wait until the meeting finished, and they stood silently outside the office. Kim couldn't help but notice Kenta's muscles and good looks.

When the meeting ended, Kenta and Kim went in. Tony, sitting in a spinning chair, looked at them. Kenta told Tony that Kim wanted to talk to him.

Approaching Tony, Kim explained why he was there - he didn't want to race with Winner because of cheating. He reminded Tony about the dignity he thought Tony hired him for.

Tony smiled, making Kenta uneasy, knowing Tony's two-faced nature. Tony promised to punish Winner for his actions. Kenta, aware of the truth about Babe's injury, knew Tony could act good while hiding his darker side.

After talking with Tony about Winner's punishment, Tony unexpectedly asked Kim to lunch. Kim didn't know it would turn out differently than he thought.

They went to a fancy restaurant where Tony, a big shot in racing, sat in the middle at a fancy table. Tony casually told Kim to sit next to him, making Kim a bit uncomfortable but not daring to say no. While they settled, Kim goes his eyes to Kenta where in Kim gave a smile to Kenta, but Kenta didn't show any feelings.

Feeling the awkwardness, Kim said, "Mr. Tony, maybe Kenta should join us? He's your son, right?"

This surprised Kenta because he expected Tony to be serious. But Tony, instead of being stern, smiled warmly and told Kenta, "Why not, Kenta? Join us."

Kenta hesitated, looking at Tony and then at Kim. Finally, he quietly sat down, facing Kim while Tony stayed in the middle.

The waiter gave them menus, and Tony took the lead, ordering their food. Kim, feeling a bit stressed eating with his boss, nervously asked for clam pasta. Tony suggested the best butter shrimp for Kenta, who nodded without saying anything.

As they waited for their food, an awkward quietness filled the table. Tony, not wanting it to stay uncomfortable, started talking to Kim about his life in Bangkok, considering he's Korean. Tony asked about Kim's relationships, especially with Red Racing, learning different parts of Kim's life. Kenta sat quietly, sometimes nodding, making himself a bit mysterious.

Once their food came, the uncomfortable silence came back. Kim, trying to enjoy his clam pasta, noticed Kenta wasn't interested in his food, pushing it around without eating. Worried, Kim told Kenta, "You should eat, Kenta."

Tony, not noticing Kenta's behavior, kept enjoying his meal. Kim felt he had to say something, telling Tony, "Mr. Tony, Kenta isn't eating. Is everything okay?"

Tony, looking at Kenta, seemed surprised. He told Kenta to eat comfortably, and after some hesitation, Kenta picked up a shrimp, nervously eating it.

After finishing their meal, Tony suddenly got up, leaving Kim and Kenta behind. He told Kenta to drive Kim, and before Kim could say anything, Tony disappeared.

Alone now, Kim saw Kenta looking pale and sweaty. Worried, Kim asked.

"Kenta, are you okay?"

Suddenly, without warning, Kenta fainted, collapsing onto the table.

Kim, now in shock, urgently called for help from the restaurant staff and rushed to help Kenta.

The last thing Kenta saw before passing out was Kim's concerned face. It was the first time anyone had shown worry for him.

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