Chapter 12

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Kim stood alone in the garage, a mix of emotions swirling within him. The victory should have been a moment of celebration, but instead, he found himself immersed in a sea of hateful comments directed at him.

The news about Babe being hospitalized and broke his one leg added a layer of distress, making the situation even more challenging.

As he scrolled through the hurtful comments, one in particular caught his eye.

"Foul play! Babe is the real winner. "

"Kim cheated!"

"Red Team doesn't deserve this win!"

The words stung, and Kim clenched his fists, frustration mounting.

In the midst of his anger, he spotted Winner walking towards him. Determination fueled Kim's steps as he approached Winner with a fierce glare. Without hesitation, he pushed Winner against the wall, demanding answers.

"Why did you sabotage Babe's car? Is this how you really play, Winner?" Kim's voice was sharp, cutting through the tension in the air.

Kim is frustrated and yell Winner "Can't you just play fairly? Why do you keep using a bad method to win?"

Winner, with an indifferent expression, met Kim's anger with a mocking laugh. "Playing fair or not, what's important is winning. You should know that by now."

Kim's frustration boiled over, and he threw a punch at Winner, the impact causing Winner's lip to bleed slightly. Winner retaliated, ready to escalate the confrontation, but a voice cut through the tension.


It was Kenta, accompanied by Tony. So when he saw Kenta walking towards him. Kim couldn't help but tense up.

It was the first time they were face to face since the incident at the buffet restaurant of the hotel. Kenta had accidentally kissed Kim and, in the heat of the moment, had suggested they forget about it. But Kim couldn't ignore the intense feelings that surged through him, and he had been avoiding Kenta ever since.

The two alpha separated, casting glances at each other, the air thick with unsaid words and unspoken apologies. But before things could escalate, Tony stepped forward, breaking the awkward silence.

"Congratulations to the Red Team. Winning is not always pretty, but it's the name of the game," he said, trying to diffuse the animosity between them.

Kim's eyes flickered with surprise at Tony's sudden peacemaking gesture. He still seething with anger and couldn't bring himself to respond. Tony's next words added another layer of complexity to the situation.

"I have been informed of Babe's situation. Unfortunately, there are occasions when these mishaps work to your benefit. Remember that, Tony murmured, his eyes still fixed on Kim.

Kim clinched his teeth, restraining the impulse to let it out verbally, but he chose to keep his feelings to himself even though the suggestion was obvious.
Tony, sensing the tension, changed the tone.

"Let's put this behind us. I'm hosting a celebration at my bar. The Red Team is invited. Let's focus on the victory and what lies ahead."

The suggestion remained, an uneasy silence. Winner, Kim, and the other teams exchanged nervous looks. There was the aura of a celebration and the determination to move forward despite the unsolved quarrel.

There was a noticeable tension throughout the teams' trip to Tony's tavern. The celebratory mood was unable to cover up the boiling anger and unvoiced complaints.

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