Chapter 3

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Kenta's heart raced as he stared into Kim's eyes, captivated by the intensity of the moment. He couldn't help but notice the boy's face, a mix of surprise and curiosity. Kenta had been eavesdropping on a conversation he shouldn't have been, lost in his thoughts until reality crashed in.

Kim, breaking the silence, raised an eyebrow and said, "Well, this is unexpected. Caught red-handed, huh?"

Kenta, his mind scrambling for an excuse, stammered, "I, uh, well, you see, I wasn't really... I mean, I didn't mean to listen. It's just that... I didn't realize you were right there."

Kim smirked, "Sure, sure. Didn't realize, my foot. You were practically leaning in to hear better."

Kenta's face flushed with embarrassment. "No, it's not like that. I just got carried away with my thoughts."

As the two stumbled through their exchange, Tony, who had been inside the office, walked out, his gaze immediately drawn to the peculiar scene before him. His stern expression intensified, and he approached with a raised eyebrow.

"What's going on here?" Tony demanded, eyeing Kenta and Kim suspiciously.

Feeling Tony's eyes on him, Kenta quickly switched from being flustered to being serious. He handed an envelope to Tony, avoiding eye contact. Tony, watching Kenta and Kim, decided to deal with the situation.

Kenta, feeling the pressure, shifted into a robotic mode, handing an envelope to Tony with remarkable speed. "Oh, here are those reports you requested. I was just on my way to deliver them."

Tony glanced at the envelope, then back at Kenta. "Very well. Continue with your duties."

With a dismissive nod, Tony turned his attention to Kim. "And you, young man, I suggest you leave."

Tony ordered sternly. Kim gave Kenta a puzzled look before leaving. As he walked away, Tony focused on Kenta, his expression unclear. Kenta prepared for questions.

With Kim out of sight, Kenta felt the need to excuse himself, not wanting to explain the awkward encounter. "I'm sorry, I've got an urgent matter to attend to. I'll be back in a moment," Kenta said professionally, hiding his nervousness.

Tony, still unsure, nodded, "Go ahead, but be quick." Kenta left in a hurry, leaving Tony alone with his thoughts. As Kenta walked away, he couldn't shake off the guilt and anxiety from the unexpected encounter with Kim.

Meanwhile, Kim observed the tension between Kenta and Tony from a distance. He felt a strange connection with Kenta beyond the awkward moment. Determined to understand, he discreetly listened to their conversation.

In the office, Tony couldn't hold back his curiosity. "What was that about, Kenta?" he asked sharply.

Kenta, in professional mode, answered, "Just a small issue with paperwork. I wanted to resolve it quickly."

Tony studied Kenta's expression, trying to figure out if he was hiding something. Kenta remained stoic, keeping his personal feelings hidden. "Handle it fast, Kenta. I don't want any disruptions," Tony instructed, dismissing him.

Leaving Tony's office, Kenta couldn't escape the shadows of the past. His relationship with Tony was more complicated than it seemed, and the encounter with Kim added another layer.

Alone in the hallway, Kenta took a moment to gather himself. He couldn't let personal matters affect his professional life. The facade he wore shielded him from the challenges he faced outside the office.

The unexpected connection with Kim stirred up emotions Kenta had suppressed. Reflecting on the events, he realized escaping Tony's abusive past was an ongoing battle-requiring strength and discretion.

So, Kenta returned to the office, the mask firmly in place. He would navigate the complexities of his relationships, both personal and professional, striving to maintain balance between the two worlds he inhabited.

Kim savored each bite of his lunch, unable to contain his joy.

"I can't believe I'm finally in Bangkok! And the best part is, I'll get to race with Babe," he thought, a wide grin on his face.

As he enjoyed his meal, Kim decided to research the Thai racing team he had joined. Not familiar with the local scene, he opened his laptop and delved into the world of Thai racing. His eyes focused on the Hallows Super GT Championships video, eager to understand the competition.

"Let's see what Babe's up against," he muttered to himself, analyzing the teams and their star racers.

Red Racing and X Hunter stood out as the top rivals, with Winner representing Red Racing and Way as the ace from X Hunter.

"Winner was the current top driver for Team Red Racing but nothing compared to Babe and had always been known for his ruthless tactics on the track.

He was not only skilled behind the wheel, but also had a cunning mind that could manipulate anyone to get what he wanted." Kim mused.

His thoughts drifted to a handsome stranger he had met at Tony's office. "Kenta," he whispered, recalling the guy's fair skin and captivating eyes. Intrigued, Kim decided to investigate further, typing Kenta's name into his laptop.

As the search results populated the screen, Kim discovered that Kenta was Tony's right-hand man and adopted son.

"Interesting," he thought, remembering the peculiar shift in Kenta's demeanor when Tony had abruptly left the office during their encounter.

Lost in thought, Kim continued his research, uncovering more about Kenta's role within Tony's operations. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Kenta than met the eye.

"What's your story, Kenta?" he pondered, determined to unravel the mystery.

Excitement bubbled within Kim as he imagined the upcoming race against Babe and the challenges posed by the formidable teams. "This is my chance to prove myself on a new stage," he thought, fueled by the prospect of competing in the Hallows Super GT Championships.

With newfound determination, Kim finished his lunch and prepared for his training session with the Thai racing team.

As he walked towards the track, he couldn't shake off the curiosity about Kenta and the dynamics within Tony's organization.

Days passed, and Kim immersed himself in the world of Thai racing, forming bonds with his new teammates.

One afternoon, Kim met Winner, a strong racer from Red Racing, at the sunny racing circuit. The air was buzzing with excitement as they greeted each other.

Winner warmly welcomed Kim to the team, and they exchanged friendly gestures, feeling a sense of camaraderie growing within Red Racing.

"Thanks, Winner. It's great to be here," Kim said, noticing the interest and excitement surrounding him due to his impressive racing skills.

Winner grinned and mentioned how Kim had become the talk of the town, expressing their thrill to have him on the team.

As they walked through the busy pit area, Winner shared that Red Racing was like a close-knit family with a common goal is to be winners.

He recognized the same determination in Kim, who affirmed his commitment to always aim for victory.

"That's the spirit!" Winner cheered, giving Kim a friendly pat on the back.

"Let's talk strategy. We've been watching X Hunter for a while, and your arrival adds an interesting twist. The goal is to beat Babe and X Hunter. Ready to make it happen?"

Kim's eyes lit up with determination. "Absolutely, Winner. Let's do it."

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