Chapter 18

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Currently, Kim is at Kenta's place. Since Kenta doesn't want to go to the hospital, Kim chose to help at Kenta's house. Kim is currently applying ointment to Kenta.

He gently applied the ointment to Kenta's wound on his shoulder, careful not to cause him any more pain.

Kenta winced slightly, causing Kim to ask, "Is it hurt?"

"It's sting a bit," Kenta answered, his voice strained.

As Kim was putting ointment on, he saw Kenta's hand. The wounds weren't recent, they seemed a few days old. Kenta saw Kim looking and tried to hide it.

Kenta hopes Kim won't ask about his hand because he doesn't want to say he hurt it by punching a mirror the other day.

Thankfully, Kim didn't asked and continued to apply ointment to Kenta's face, carefully tending to the bruises on his cheeks and the cut on his lip.

As Kim's hand went to Kenta's lips, he didn't realize how close their faces were to each other. Kenta looked at Kim, who was so focused on his task. He couldn't help but notice how handsome Kim was up close. He cleared his throat, hoping Kim would notice the proximity and back away.

Kim finally noticed and pulled back, apologizing. "Sorry"

"It's fine," Kenta said, trying to brush off the awkward moment.

Kim finished applying the ointment and started packing up the medical supplies. Kenta stood up and went to the refrigerator, getting a glass of water for Kim.

"Here, drink water," Kenta said, placing the glass on the table and sitting next to Kim on the sofa.

"Thank you," Kim said, taking a sip of the water.

There was a tense silence between the two. Kenta was the first to break it.

"I thought we were going to act like we didn't know each other," Kenta said, confused by their current situation.

"I don't know," Kim said honestly.

"But I couldn't just leave you there with Tony hurting you."

"Why?" Kenta asked, genuinely curious.

Kim looked upset and worried as he answered.

"What the hell? What do you mean, why? I couldn't just leave you like that when Tony was hurting you. I can't just act like a blind man and ignore what's happening."

Kenta looked down, feeling a mix of emotions. He was grateful that someone cared about him and was worried about his well-being, but at the same time, he was scared. He couldn't understand why Kim was so concerned about him. No one had ever shown him this kind of kindness before.

"You..." Kenta whispered to himself.

"Is Tony the one who caused those scars?" Kim asked, breaking the silence.

Kenta looked up at Kim and nodded.

"I'm sorry," Kim said with a sad tone.

Kenta replied, "It's not your fault."

"Why don't you just leave Tony if he is hurting you"

"I-I can't, his my dad after all"

"Dad? No one a father can hurt his children" Kim exclaimed.

"No, he did that because I made a mistake" Kenta agrue.

"Whatever the reason, he is still abusing you"

"Stop! I don't want to hear it anymore"

"I just can't stand seeing someone getting hurt," Kim said, breaking Kenta's thoughts.

Kenta looked at Kim and saw the sincerity in his eyes. He knew then that Kim was truly a kind-hearted person, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

Kim added with a warm smile. "I'll always be here for you."

Kenta couldn't help but feel touched by Kim's concern and kindness. He couldn't understand why someone like Kim, would care for someone like him. He was used to being ignored and mistreated, but Kim was different. He was the only person who had ever shown him any kind of compassion.

As Kenta looked at Kim, he felt conflicted. He didn't know if he was happy that someone cared about him or scared because he didn't understand his own feelings.

Kenta steal glances at Kim. He admired how Kim's dark brown hair fell perfectly on his forehead, and how his long lashes fluttered whenever he blinked.

Kenta's heart skipped a beat as he realized how much he wanted to be closer to Kim.

Out of nowhere, Kenta slowly moved his face closer to Kim. He looked at Kim's eyes and saw that they were also fixed on him, as if waiting for Kenta to make a move.

Kenta's heart was pounding in his chest as he stared at Kim's lips. They were pink and soft, and he couldn't resist the urge to touch them with his own.

But just as Kenta was about to lean in for a kiss, Kim's phone started ringing.

*Ring Ring*

The sudden noise broke the tension between them and Kim quickly avoided Kenta's face. He cleared his throat and stood up from the sofa, walking to the corner of the room to answer the call.

Kenta sat up properly, trying to calm his racing heart. He watched as Kim nodded to whoever he was talking to on the phone, tapping the call to an end. When Kim finally hung up, he let out a sigh and looked at Kenta.

"Sorry about that," Kim said, avoiding Kenta's gaze.

"It's okay," Kenta replied, trying to hide his disappointment.

Kim then stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I have to go,"

Kim grabbed his jacket and headed towards the door. Kenta couldn't just let him go like this.

Kenta wanted to offer to drive Kim, but then he remembered that they had used Kim's car to go to his house.

"Let me drive you," Kenta said, standing up and following Kim towards the door.

Kim turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "But the car we used is mine," he reminded Kenta.

Realization dawned on Kenta and he felt embarrassed for forgetting such an important detail.

"Oh right, your car," Kenta said, feeling a little dejected.

Kim nodded and responded "Just rest, I can manage myself."

Kenta watched Kim opened the door and stepped outside. He couldn't help but feel a little sad that their moment was ruined by a phone call. But he also couldn't deny the fact that he was happy just being able to spend time with Kim.

As Kenta watched Kim drive away, he couldn't help but smile. Kenta suddenly realized something. He had just smiled. It may seem like a small, insignificant action, but for Kenta, it was a big deal.

You see, Kenta was not someone who smiled often. He was a quiet, introverted guy who kept to himself most of the time.

He had always been self-conscious and never really felt comfortable enough to let his guard down and show his true emotions.

But in that moment, as he watched Kim drive away, Kenta couldn't help but let his guard down. He couldn't help but smile.

And as he stood there, frozen in time, he couldn't help but wonder if this was a sign of things to come.

Would Kim be the one to help him break out of his shell and show the world the real Kenta?

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