Chapter 16

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Kim didn't take Winner's advice and he went back to the garage of X Hunter and started looking around for any clues. And that's when he noticed it, a set of footprints leading from Babe's car to the back exit of the garage.

Following the footprints, Kim found himself outside the garage, in a secluded area with no cameras. But he wasn't alone.

Kim's heart raced as he realized the truth. It was him all along. He had purposely disabled the cameras and sabotaged Babe's car to win the race. The guilt and shame washed over him, making him feel sick to his stomach.

No other than Winner, who was talking to Dean, one of the member of X Hunter. The two were shocked when they saw Kim, as if they had seen a ghost.

"So it's you after all," Kim said while walking towards them. Since Babe's accident, he hadn't been able to sleep properly, consumed by guilt and the feeling of being a fake winner.

He looked at Dean with a cold, emotionless expression.

"This is why they couldn't let you replace Babe. Tsk, even Charlie, who is new, could beat you."

Kim couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at seeing Dean's failure.

"What did you say?" Dean said angrily, pushing Kim. But Kim didn't budge, his gaze still fixed on Winner.

"Even you," he pointed his finger at Winner. "Charlie may surpass you too."

"You!" Winner was about to grab Kim's shoulder, but Kim quickly grabbed his hand and pressed it against the wall.

Winner's face was now pressed against the wall, and Kim had his hand behind his back, in a position of control.

Dean watched Kim's stare at him with a cold and emotionless expression, he felt a shiver run down his spine. This was the first time he had ever seen Kim with such a terrifying look on his face.

He had been about to help Winner, when Kim had stopped him. He had given him an ultimatum, either help Winner or he would tell everyone about what he did to Babe.

"Going to help him, or I will tell Babe what you did?" Kim said, his voice low and dangerous.

Winner, who was leaning against the wall, a threatening look, spoke up.

"You, help me or I will fucking kill you," he said, his voice dripping with anger and aggression.

Dean looked between Kim and Winner, feeling torn. He didn't want to betray Winner but he also didn't want to go against Kim.

In the end, Dean made a decision. He turned and ran away, leaving Winner behind.

He could hear Kim's voice behind him, taunting Winner, "Your savior left you."

But Winner was not one to back down easily. He turned to face Kim and said, "You, I will kill you if you won't let me go!"

Kim just laughed sarcastically, "I'm not scared, but I will give you some advice. Quit racing or I will tell the whole world about what you did to Babe. We'll see who will come out on top."

With that, he let go of Winner's hand and walked away, leaving him standing there in shock. He couldn't believe that Kim had just threatened him like that.

As Winner watched Kim walk away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion.

"Who are you to give me advice? Huh!" he yelled after her.

Kim stopped in her tracks and turned to face him.

"I'm someone who knows what it takes to be the best. And I won't let anyone stand in my way," he said, his voice laced with determination.

But Winner was still not satisfied.

"I don't understand you. Aren't we supposed to work together to take down Babe?" he asked, gesturing to their initial goal when they first joined forces.

Kim walked up to Winner and whispered, "I don't want to cooperate with anyone. I'm here to be the best in every field."

Winner watched as Kim walked away without looking back.

After the confrontation, Kim sat alone in his condo, his mind racing with thoughts of the truth he had just discovered about Babe's accident.

As of now, all he knew was that Dean and Winner were involved in the sabotage. But there was still no lead on Tony's involvement. Kim had a feeling that there was more to the story, and he was determined to uncover the truth.

Kim knew he had to get to the bottom of this, and the only way to do so was to visit Tony's office and gather some evidence.

However, Kim biggest problem is what if he saw Kenta while he was confronting Tony? What would he do then?

*Flash back*

As they reached the condo, Kim quickly said his address and thanked Kenta before getting out of the car.

He turned to Kenta and said, "Let's just forget about last night, okay? Let's act like we don't know each other."

Before Kenta could even respond, Kim had already stepped out of the car and made his way towards the building.

Kenta watched as Kim walked away, feeling a full of disappointment. He had hoped that they could talk about what had happened and clear the air between them.

Sighing, Kenta drove away towards his own house. He couldn't stop thinking about Kim and their strange encounter. He wondered if he should have said something before Kim had left.

*End of Flashback*

Kim shook his head, trying to clear his mind and shake off the memory that night.

He was glad that Kenta had agreed to forget about it and move on. The last thing he wanted was to cause any awkwardness between them.

Kim couldn't let his emotions get the best of him. He needed to focus on the task at hand and figure out the best way to handle the situation.

But no matter how hard he tried to push Kenta out of his thoughts, he couldn't help but think about that night.

He knew it was just an awkward encounter and that they had both agreed to act like strangers afterwards. But deep down, Kim couldn't deny that something had changed within him.

He felt like he didn't know himself anymore. He was always so focused on his goal of becoming a champion in car racing, but now it all seemed so trivial compared to what was happening.

The turning point was their accidental kiss. Kim didn't know how to handle the situation and when Kenta suggested they forget it ever happened, he had agreed. But there was a part of him that felt hurt by Kenta's nonchalant attitude. It was like he didn't care at all.

But now, those feelings were clouded by the anger and betrayal he felt towards Tony. He knew he couldn't let Tony use him as a pawn in his plans. He had to take a stand and make sure that justice was served for Babe's accident.

Kim took a deep breath and stood up. He was done thinking. It was time to take action. He grabbed his car keys and headed out of his condo, determined to find evidence at Tony's office.

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