Chapter 25

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"Prepare yourself, go after Kim," Tony's voice cut through the air with a chilling edge, his eyes piercing as he sat in his swivel chair.

"I don't think that's necessary," Kenta attempted to reason, his voice tinged with concern.

Tony's expression hardened, his tone resolute.

"No, Kim used to be helpful, but now he's causing problems for us. He knows too many secrets. I'm sure he won't stay quiet. He'll try to harm me, so I'll deal with him first. We need to stop him before he causes any trouble."

Kenta swallowed, feeling the weight of Tony's words pressing down on him.

"But isn't there another way? Killing Kim could lead to more complications," he ventured cautiously.

Tony's patience wore thin, his eyes flashing with irritation.

"In this tough world, Kenta, we can't afford to be sentimental. Kim is a problem that needs to be dealt with. It's the only way we'll stay safe in this business."

Kenta remained silent, knowing that Tony's mind was already made up. He had seen this side of Tony before, and he knew that there was no changing his decision. But this time, Kenta couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Tony noticed Kenta's hesitation and raised an eyebrow. He knew that Kenta was always loyal and obedient, and this was the first time he had seen him act otherwise.

"You...are you worried about Kim?" Tony asked, his tone laced with disbelief as he observed Kenta's expression.

This was the first time Tony had seen Kenta show any signs of weakness, and it made him wonder if Kim had somehow gotten to him.

"Don't tell me Kim is now your weakness?" Tony asked, his tone mocking as he let out a laugh.

But Kenta stayed strong, unfazed by Tony's taunts.

"No," Kenta replied firmly, his loyalty unwavering.

"I told you to make Kim fall into your trap, not the other way around," Tony reminded sternly.

Tony couldn't believe it. He had always thought that Kenta was ruthless and heartless, just like him. But now, seeing Kenta showing signs of compassion, he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Do you actually have feelings for him now?" Tony asked, observing Kenta closely for any signs of deception, questioning whether Kenta would be truthful or not.

"No, I hope you understand that I'm only following your orders to deal with Kim. I'm just doing what you told me to do, sir," Kenta explained earnestly.

"Really?" Tony asked

"Yes sir, no hard feelings," Kenta confidently answered.

"Then get him for me. If we need to use violence, do it," Tony ordered, his eyes cold and calculating.

"Yes, sir," Kenta responded obediently.

"I can't used him anymore, and he's no longer beneficial to me, so if I can't find a way to make use of him again, I'll have to get rid of him," Tony continued, his words serving as a stark reminder of the harsh reality they faced.

Kenta nodded and left the office, determined to do whatever it takes to prove his loyalty to Tony. As he made his way to his car, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

He knew that Tony was capable of anything, and he didn't want to be the one who had to carry out his violent orders.

Kenta glanced at his phone, revealing Kim's location at the Red Racing garage.

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