Chapter 8

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Both Kenta and Kim lost themselves in the silence that surrounded them,
concentrating only on the road ahead
and not making eye contact.

The only sound that could be heard clearly against the brilliant city lights all around them was the engine's buzz. Kenta's hands held the steering wheel tighter as the seconds passed.

Kim silently pushed out his side window to let the refreshing night air inside the car, hoping to break the ice. Kim took comfort in the beauty all about them, his gaze focused on the captivating city lights.

Kim was clearly exhausted as the wind played with his hair. The city lights faded into a dreamy haze. Kenta felt his eyes became heavy and he felt the weight of the coming competition pressing down on him makes him fall asleep.

Finally arriving at the reserved hotel, Kenta parked the car without a word. As Kenta turned to check on Kim, he found him peacefully asleep.

Kenta gently pulled away a stray strand of hair that was covering Kim's face, exposing a handsome face underneath.

His lips' attractive appeal, Kim's closed eyes, and his flawless skin all captured his attention. Kenta was lost in the admiration that was spoken in silence.

Slowly, Kenta unbuckled Kim's seat belt, intending to let him wake up comfortably. However, as he did, Kim's eyes fluttered open, catching Kenta off guard.

Kim is surprised, "Huh? Where are we?"

In his shock, Kenta accidentally tapped the seat adjustment handle, causing the car seat to recline and leaving both of them in a compromising position. Kenta unintentionally positioned above him.

Their eyes widened as the realization hit them, and in that unexpected moment, their breaths caught in the air. Kenta's lips brushed against Kim's.

As the revelation hit, the echo of their shocked heartbeats seemed to be the only sound as the world seemed to pause.

Kenta stammers, "Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Kim blushes, "It's fine, Kenta. Just a little unexpected. Let me sit up."

Kenta hurriedly helps Kim adjust the seat, trying to avert eye contact, "Yeah, sorry. The seat adjustment got messed up."

They both avoid eye contact. Silence lingered between them as Kim nodded in acknowledgment. Breaking the uneasy stillness.

Kim softly expressed, "Thanks for driving. I appreciate it."

Before Kenta could respond, Kim swiftly grabbed his bag, escaping the car with evident embarrassment, not bothering to say goodbye. Left alone, Kenta couldn't help but smile, finding Kim's shyness endearing.

Driving away, Kenta couldn't shake the strange flutter in his chest. His heart raced, and he stopped the car abruptly on a deserted road. Lost in thoughts of the accidental kiss.

Kenta absentmindedly touched his lips, reality hitting him.

"Why am I thinking about Kim? Focus, Kenta, focus!"

Meanwhile, Kim's hotel room exuded a tranquil Mediterranean ambiance. The walls were painted in soothing earthy tones, and the furnishings reflected a blend of elegance and comfort.

As Kim explored the room, he marveled at the spaciousness that surpassed his expectations. The large bed beckoned, and the room seemed to envelop him in a sense of luxury.

His eyes widened when he discovered a sizable bathtub, a pleasant surprise in this reservation made by Tony. Kim couldn't help but appreciate the thoughtfulness behind the choice.

However, amid the plush surroundings, his mind kept drifting back to the unexpected kiss in the car. Lying on the bed, face flushed, he pondered how he would face Kenta after such an incident.

He whispers to himself, "Why did that kiss happen? And how do I face Kenta now?"

Sighing, Kim gazed at the ceiling, lost in contemplation. The weight of the awkward moment lingered, and he couldn't shake off the embarrassment.

As the minutes passed, Kim tosses and turns on the large bed, the weight of the competition and the unspoken tension with Kenta bear down on him. Kim eventually gives in to tiredness and a restless sleep.

On the other hand, Kenta showed up at Tony's mansion, the home he had grown up in since Tony had adopted him.

The wealth of the estate stood in contrast to Kenta's naive wish for a caring family. He had no idea that this rich home had a dark history of pain that was waiting for him.

Kenta's footsteps echoed in the darkness of an old home, each one a hesitant play with his frightening past. The walls mumbled stories of the life he lived as an animal, of the relentless abuse Tony put on him and his brothers.

Kenta shuddered, "I never thought I'd set foot in this place again."

His fingers traced the scars etched into the walls, a cruel testimony to the torment they endured. Memories clawed at the corners of his mind, threatening to resurface.

The smell of pain grew stronger as Kenta went farther.

Kenta murmured, "This mansion bears the scars of our past, a trace of the horrors we faced. My brothers and I lived like animals here."

The creaking floorboards seemed to echo the cries of his siblings, their voices lingering in the cold, desolate rooms.

Kenta's eyes caught the fell onto the broken dreams and pieces of improvised beds scattered all over the floor.

He continued, "Tony treated us like disposable creatures, breaking us down until we had no choice but to escape. This place is a testament to the darkness we survived."

As he moved through the decaying halls, Kenta discovered fragments of the past.

The broken chains, tattered clothes, and the cold, iron bars of a makeshift cage. The narration unfolded with each painful revelation.

"In these walls, my brothers and I clung to fragments of humanity. We were prisoners of a man who saw us as less than human."

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