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"I'm hitting one hundred at this point, Rossi. Did you want more?" Fenix said as she switched lanes to go around one of the cars.

I impatiently sighed, leaning back in the seat as I ignored the burning sensation in my lower stomach.

I also felt super fucking sensitive and Fenix's hand on my thigh seemed to amplify that.

It's why my legs were squeezed shut so tightly and my arms were crossed strictly over my chest, which I easily noticed Fenix glancing over to eye.

And upon observation, I purposefully kept shifting in my seat, easily causing my arms to move against my cleavage.

It was clear by Fenix's tightened jaw and her grip on the steering wheel that my actions were dangerously testing her patience.

And to think we were still twenty minutes away.

Maybe we shouldn't have come all the way into the city for dinner with Noa and Lunden. 

I mean, a place nearby would've worked just as well. 


I felt my lips unconsciously grow into an amused smirk, especially when Fenix drew in a sharp breath clearly trying to restrain herself.

It was obvious that her patience was now running low or possibly gone.

Especially since I had subtly shifted her hand down between my legs—

Where my underwear was damp with my own wetness.

"What?" I murmured innocently even if I knew exactly what I was doing to her.

It's only fair that she feels as needy as I do at this exact moment.

A gasp fell from my lips as soon as Fenix jerked the car off the empty road and pulled over by the side.

And before I could question her or possibly say anything, Fenix managed to say—

"Get in the backseat."

I blinked a few times as she pulled her hand away to unbuckle her seatbelt.

"Fenix you can't be—"

"Now, Devora," she cut me short as she opened her door.

At the use of my full name, I was reaching for my seatbelt without a second thought and climbing out of the car to get in the backseat with her.

I knew the windows of her car were tinted, and luckily she had decided to drive her Mercedes AMG so we weren't packed into her McLaren.

But still, I had numerous worries popping into my head about taking this to the back seat.

Well, until my rational side completely shut off, especially when Fenix pulled me onto her lap to straddle.

Our deep breaths managed to be the only thing in my ears as Fenix impatiently tugged my dress up to my waist.

But not before completely undoing the top of my dress and leaving my chest exposed.

My nails unconsciously dug into Fenix's toned arms as soon as she tugged my waist into her body, purposely forcing me to arch into her.

"A little more," Fenix said as her hand drew up my partially bare back, forcing my body to curve into her more.

I breathless hum of acknowledgment fell from my lips as gripped her for support.

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