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I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

The white and red tile seemed to brighten the dingy bathroom that I just spent ten minutes cleaning myself up in.

I really just needed to swish water at least twenty times and clean around my mouth to get the disgusting feeling off of me.

Fast driving seemed to be something I could handle, but it felt like Fenix took speeding to an entirely different level.

It's like she merged lanes at the last minute for the simple thrill of it—but the idea of ramming into a few cars or that tractor-trailer from earlier, left me feeling entirely uneasy.

I let out a deep sigh, grabbing a few paper towels from the dispenser—

But when I heard a sudden creak, my attention darted back to the mirror, carefully searching the bathroom behind me.

Suddenly, I'm juggling the idea that those men left behind to search for us, might've followed me and Fenix.

But how?

I mean, Fenix's driving seemed to be entirely insane.

I froze slightly when I noticed the window cracked open slightly—meaning someone could possibly be in here with me or out there in the diner.

Well, there's no way they're out in the diner—I would've definitely heard shots let off the instant they wandered over toward Fenix.

I hate to even admit it, but she seemed more trained than me.

I'll never be saying that aloud though.

I suddenly placed my hand on my gun, hearing another creak.

Without hesitating, I turned around and shot every stall one by one—piercing the metal stalls with the bullets.

And as they flew open one by one, it was hard to miss the figure standing on the toilet that took a bullet to his stomach.

A grunt fell from the man's lips as he stumbled off of the toilet he was standing on and walked toward me.

But I didn't want to kill him without asking questions.

Like who he worked for or how he found us.

But with each step that he took toward me, I knew I was running out of time to make a logical decision.

I mean, he was a potential lead—he could lead us right to the Scars.

But before I could make a decision—a bullet was shot between his eyes—forcing the man to fall forward onto the ground with one last breath.

"How many times am I going to have to save your life, Rossi?" Fenix said, allowing the bathroom door to fall shut behind her.

I only stared at the man lying in his own pool of blood, hating that I just lost a possible lead.

"He could've been a lead," I gritted out, finally looking over to Fenix who was snapping her gun back into place.

But the woman only shrugged to herself, "He would've been a lead until he killed you first," she pointed out.

I let out a huff, "Fenix I swear—"

"Let me cut you short right there," Fenix said, pulling the bathroom door back open, "While I adore your lectures—I'm almost positive there's more of him coming," she said, motioning down to the man.

I only rolled my eyes, walking toward the man and hesitantly leaning down to his limp body.

There has to be something on him.

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