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By the time we were back at the hospital, I had read all the messages on my personal phone left behind.

Most of the messages were from my parents and Gia.

Who recently texted after getting escorted to the bureau and having an informative chat with Yelena who filled her in on everything.

From my undercover mission to my assassin-turned-girlfriend who just got shot.

Given how late it was I made Gia promise until morning before coming to the hospital—her job was crazy as it is and the last thing I wanted was for her to lose out on sleep.

But even after promising, Gia made it very clear that she'd be here first thing in the morning and that it wasn't up for discussion.

And honestly, it felt good to hear—to know that she knew everything and that she could be here for me to her fullest capacity.

"Can you stop pacing?"

Damien gave Noa a narrowed look, "You know I can't sit still for long amounts of time, Noa Boa," he mocked the nickname that only Lunden used for her.

Noa gave him a narrowed look, "Fine pace around like a crazy person—but you know better than to call me that," she warned.

And I could tell by the high tension hanging in the air that everyone was very close to their breaking point.

"Seriously fuck Willow or Winter—whatever the fuck her name is. She can rot in prison," Arya said.

Armani laughed, "You think she's going to prison? We intercepted her last night," she countered.

Noa nodded, smiling almost maliciously, "And I can't wait to torture the absolute fuck out of her," she added.

And as everyone went into conversation—throwing out ideas of what would be the best way to torture Wynn, I couldn't help but grasp that she'd be seemingly getting a worse punishment than prison.

And somehow knowing that managed to soothe my burning anger entirely.

"If I get bored, I could always send her back to prison—well that or killing her, but she doesn't deserve to be put out of her misery," Armani concluded, clearly giving the long-term outcome some thought.

Noa hummed, "Prison for sure—maybe the worst one at that," she added.

I let out a breath of relief—at least Wynn will get to feel as tortured as I currently feel.

"I'm sorry but is no one going to discuss the irony of all this? Especially after the wedding?" Vincent said, and almost automatically Lunden let out a laugh.

Along with everyone else.

The sight of everyone laughing alone managed to make my brows furrowed.

"Who's wedding? And what happened?" I questioned, clearly wanting to be clued in after hearing a brief mention of the matter prior to all of this.

Lunden let out another laugh, "It was our wedding," she explained, motioning to her and Noa, "And during Feni's speech she said that love is completely nauseating to her," she said, telling the story as if she were living it right here right now.

Noa nodded a few times, "And then I told her not to worry, she'll experience it soon."

Armani chuckled, "And then she determined that Noa had wished hell on her," she finished off her statement, easily earning laughs from both Fenix's parents and even Damien.

I tilted my head to myself wondering why this was all so funny.

And Miracle seemed to notice my confusion almost immediately, "Oh they haven't said it yet," she determined.

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