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"Before you even ask—yes I know you're with Fenix Ellis right now," Yelena started off.

And automatically, I wanted to freak out, but her unbothered tone seemed to hold me back.

"I figured you'd be bothered by us working together?" I questioned, knowing that I purposefully kept her out of the loop for a reason.

Whenever I seemed to send updates about the case or where it was leading, I never mentioned I was with anyone, which I knew was wrong at the time.

But I knew once it was all said and done, and Yelena realized how much Fenix helped, she'd move past it.

She's always been understanding even if she can be strict sometimes.

"I trust that you'll do what it takes to close this case, Agent Rossi—you've never given me a reason to not trust you before," Yelena explained, and almost immediately, I felt my body relax.

It was definitely something that had been held at the back of my mind—wondering if Yelena would somehow move past it all.

I mean, this is the world's most wanted assassin that we're talking about.

"Now Fenix Ellis on the other hand..." Yelena suddenly spoke again, clearly hesitant over her next words.

I furrowed my brows, "She can definitely be trusted. I mean, I wouldn't even be here without her," I said, quickly taking her defense.

Yelena hummed emptily to herself, "It's not that I'm saying she hasn't helped—what I'm saying is that she can't be trusted," she explained, clearly set on her opinion.

And man was I ready to argue with Yelena, my own boss, for Fenix—knowing that she has done so much for me—for the FBI too.

But before I got the chance to stand up for her, Yelena suddenly said, "Something has recently come to my attention. You're not safe with her Agent Rossi."

My brows furrowed deeper, staring out at the busy city of Dubai as I said, "What exactly has come to your attention? Because I know for a fact that I'm safe with her."

And I meant it completely. 

Fenix would never allow me to be in harm's way, and I was one hundred percent certain about it.

Actually, I'd bet my life on it.

"There are texts—between her and what appears to be the leader. They stopped after the masquerade event that you and Ms. Ellis went to, but it seems she was planning to hand you over to the Scars in exchange for twenty percent of the deal that they resurfaced to close."

I froze slightly, clearly taken aback by the information that Yelena supposedly had.

Fenix wasn't... she wasn't working with them?

I mean, she had clear instructions to kill the leader.

This information is completely wrong.

"Look, Agent Rossi—I've always known you as an empathetic person, which of course is handy at proper times, but I can confirm these texts—the FBI traced them back as soon as we received intel," Yelena quickly said, and it was clear by the edge in her voice that she was worried about me. "You need to get out of there—God knows if this deal they have is still active."

I only remained quiet, clearly still processing what she had just told me.

But even as everything clicked in my head, I couldn't seem to believe that Fenix would ever do such a thing.

I had to give her the benefit of the doubt until she had a chance to explain... Innocent until proven guilty always.

I pursed my lips, suddenly thinking back on the beginning of Fenix and I's formed partnership.

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