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I swear to God I had never actually contemplated murder in my entire life.

But Fenix Ellis damn sure brought it out of me.

"I can't believe you!" I yelled out, pressing my hands to her shoulders.

And even if Fenix's back was pressed to the balcony ledge—she didn't seem to be fazed in the slightest bit.

And that made me even angrier.

It felt like she was underestimating me.

"Believe me? You willingly took a phone from one of the men sent to kill us—" she scoffed, "—Tell me you hear how stupid that sounds?" she reiterated, and even if her tone seemed tight, her entire demeanor seemed so nonchalant.

Which seemed to light my anger on fire—completely sending me over the edge.

I swear she can never see things in anyone else's eyes except for her own.

"It was a fucking lead Fenix—" I hit my palms against her shoulders, but she didn't seem to flinch in the slightest, "—something you keep taking from me," I gritted out.

Fenix raised a brow, and I expected her to argue my point or give her own view on the situation.

But instead, she decided to say, "Calm down."

And out of everything she could've said, it felt like that was the worst possible thing.

That was seriously the last resort you would take when talking to someone so angry.

Especially after she had continuously pushed and pushed—and pushed—my limits.

"Calm down? Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I questioned, and I could easily hear how loud my voice was growing with each passing second.

And I knew Fenix could too, but it felt like she was letting me let it out—which seemed to make me angrier.

I wanted her to fight back—I wanted to actually discuss this problem at hand instead of being told to calm down.

"You've ruined every single lead that I've had from the start," I said, about to hit her shoulders again—

But I was easily halted when she grabbed my wrists in midair, flipping us around so that I was now pressed against the balcony ledge with her towering over me.

And even if she was staring down at me with such seriousness written on her face—I couldn't force the anger inside of me into fear.

Fenix carefully looked between my eyes, "You need to calm down before I make you."

The statement alone seemingly only made me angrier.

It was like the only she wanted was for me to drop the topic—then again, I'm assuming assassins aren't that great at talking things out.

Their only resolution was violence—and two can play that fucking game.

And before I could seemingly think it through, I was yanking my wrist from her grip—and allowing my hand to come into contact with her cheek.

The echoed slap seemed to overpower the pattering rain and the loud traffic underneath us.

If anything it felt quieter after the echo faded, leaving Fenix and I to stare silently at one another.

And while Fenix seemed to be entirely expressionless—I could feel my anger practically spewing out of me.

So much so that I could full-on cry.

I didn't mean to hit her—I didn't want to.

I just... 

I feel so angry.

LIABILITY (GxG)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ