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"Don't tell me you grew up with Tarzan," I joked, looking down at the ocean as Fenix navigated the helicopter toward the large island.

The fact that I was even in a helicopter right now was beyond me.

But it seemed that simple—Fenix requested the helicopter and within two hours someone was landing it at a helipad in Boston and switching off with her.

"That would actually be a cooler life story," Fenix said, navigating toward what seemed to be a house.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course you'd think that," I said, peering out of the windshield as she lowered the helicopter down to the black helipad.

"And of course you wouldn't," Fenix countered.

But the subject alone flew out of my head—especially when we got closer to the house.

Or should I say mansion?

"Wait is this island—"

"Private?" Fenix cut me short as I took in the tropical scenery, "Because I thought that seemed pretty obvious."

I rolled my eyes yet again, "Yeah, but I just..." I trailed off, clearly still processing all this. I could only imagine how much money they all had. Maybe I chose the wrong field to go into. "Exactly how much do you make?" I asked, feeling entirely curious.

Fenix shrugged, "It depends—I mean on the low end, I get paid a little over eighty thousand to assassinate someone," she casually explained, even if the number estimate almost made my head explode.

"Who would pay that much to kill someone?" I questioned, exhaling a deep breath, which easily revealed that I was processing all this.

I mean, imagine you killed thirty people—that's like a little over two million right there.

No wonder they have their own fucking island.

I mean, Fenix mentioned her parents were retired assassins and that her brother is currently working as one.

God, I couldn't even fathom how much money they're all sitting on.

Fenix shrugged, carefully angling the wheel down, "Politicians, A-list musicians, mafia bosses—the list goes on."

I nodded slightly, knowing that clientele like that could definitely afford that price tag.

I wonder how many assassinations have gone unsolved.

Even if I hate to admit it—assassins are extremely good at what they do.

It's clearly why Fenix hasn't been put in jail.

Fenix let out a content sigh, turning the helicopter off as I continued to stare forward.

Suddenly, I wasn't even processing Fenix's insane amount of income.

Now, I was realizing that I was meeting her family.

Isn't that a little insane?

I mean we're just working together so it's not a big deal—even if we kissed...

More than once.

It's not a big deal, I told myself.

But I somehow still felt nervous—I like making good first impressions, even if they're all criminals high up on the FBI's radar.

"Rossi," Fenix said, snapping me from my thoughts.

I furrowed my brows when I turned toward her, realizing she was already out of the helicopter and standing at my door that she held open for me.

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