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I furrowed my brows, reaching up to my head that felt like it was quite literally caving in. 

And as if on queue, my eyes shot open—quickly recalling being drugged and knowing that the Scar's leader was behind it. 

I assumed I'd be in some cold cell. 

Or at least tied to a chair. 

But instead, I was in a large bed, completely free as the sun managed to shine in from a nearby window. 

Almost immediately, I felt confused—but I also wasn't about to give myself time to think about it. 

No, I was up quicker than I could process, reaching for the window that overlooked a polished courtyard four stories up. 

The jump down would at least mean that I tried. 

I looked around for a way to open the window, but when I unsurprisingly came up short, I began banging on the glass.

But even I knew, that I wouldn't be able to break the stubborn glass myself, so I looked around for anything that could break it for me. 

Except, all there seemed to be was a bed and two nightstands. 

I guess I could always try to lift the nightstand up and throw it through the window. 

But almost immediately, that idea fell short, especially when the nightstand managed to be bolted to the floors. 


I quickly looked at the door that began rattling—sending alarm bells through my pounding head. 

And as the door managed to glide open, I was seated in the bed, purposefully as far away as I could be from the open door. 

Almost instantly my mouth fell open at her presence. 

"Good morning," she greeted me, closing the door behind her and walking further into the room as if this were all totally normal. 

I tilted my head, "Wynn?" I questioned, clearly confused about what she was doing here. 

Wynn reached for my head, easily making me flinch back. 

The woman pursed her lips at my actions, "How do you feel?" she questioned, clearly concerned about my state. 

I narrowed my eyes at her, "I don't know, being drugged by chloroform seems to feel amazing," I sarcastically answered. 

Wynn only hummed, analyzing my face for any sign that I was unwell. 

My brows suddenly furrowed, "Wait, are you working with the leader too?" I questioned, hating that everything around me was suddenly turning out to be a lie. 

Wynn tilted her head, "Working with the leader?" she questioned distastefully. 

And the question alone seemed to offend her. 

"Yeah, I mean—" 

But I was promptly cut short when the door managed to rattle again, easily shooting my heart rate back up. 

But when a man dressed in all black—who seemingly looked like a guard, entered the room, I relaxed slightly. 

He's not the leader. 

"Boss, you have—" 

"I specifically said to watch her dosage did I not?" Wynn said, suddenly turning to the man. 

And almost immediately, it clicked. 

She's the leader. 

But how... when... and again, how? 

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