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I scrunched up my nose when I felt something soft on my cheek.


I furrowed my brows when I felt that same softness on my forehead.

"Dev come on baby."

Almost on cue, my heavy eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times as I adjusted to the brightness around me.

"Good to know that calling you baby gets me a lot further than your name," Fenix said, clearly joking as she looked at me from the driver's seat.

My brows managed to furrow deeper, "When did we get in the car?" I questioned, rubbing my tired eyes as Fenix brushed a few stray hairs from my face.

We had only left New Orleans this afternoon—hopping on a plane back to Boston where Fenix's Mclaren waited for us.

And while the goodbyes to everyone were hard, especially Lunden and Arya—I simply couldn't wait to go to sleep on a private plane that seemingly had a bedroom on it.

The only thing I can really recall was falling back asleep in Fenix's arms after the plane got up to a certain altitude.

"You were knocked out—I had to carry you from the plane," Fenix explained, cutting the car off.

I blinked a few times, looking around the large driveway we were parked in before noticing the very modern house before it.

"Where are we?" I questioned, looking beyond the glass house at the distant city.

Fenix opened her door, "New York—or the outskirts since that's where I prefer to live."

My eyes widened entirely—not just at the fact that I slept through an entire car ride from Boston to New York, but also at the fact that I was at Fenix's house.

Probably one of many houses, but still.

I turned toward the door that Fenix lifted up and opened for me, easily causing me to step up and out of the car.

But when a slight dizziness invaded me I reached out for anything to help stabilize me—which turned out to be Fenix who instinctively slid her arm around my waist for support.

"Damn did I really do that much of a number on you last night—and this morning?" Fenix questioned, clearly joking but with the serious look coating her face, it was clear that she was slightly concerned.

I only shook my head at her joke, "I think I just need water. Maybe some food too?" I said, realizing I had really only slept today.

And even with sleeping, I still only managed to get three hours of sleep on top of the two hours I got this morning after going rounds with Fenix.

Fenix nodded, "Water and food—got it," she said, leaning down past me.

I furrowed my brows, "What are you doi—"

But I was easily cut short when she scooped me into her arms bridal style.

A surprised gasp fell from my lips as I unconsciously wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Getting you food and water—what does it look like?" Fenix asked as she walked toward the open garage that seemingly had a few cars in it.

I couldn't help but smile at her kindness, "You don't have to carry me. I can walk," I assured her, knowing we had things to carry in, "Besides we have to get the bags—"

"You don't have to get anything. I'll pull the car in the garage and grab our bags later," Fenix assured me, opening one of the tall matte black doors.

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