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Fenix surprisingly kissed me back, going along with the plan that I had quickly fabricated.

The reciprocated action easily sent something warm through me, knowing that she trusted me enough to follow along rather than pushing me away and reaching for her gun.

I tugged Fenix closer by her torso, easily messing up her red lipstick with my own lips as she gripped my waist in place.

We both knew the kiss wasn't real—that it was a part of a plan.

But it all felt so real—how she instinctively pulled one of my legs around her torso and slid her tongue past my swollen lips.

I couldn't help but lean into her entirely, desperately wanting to feel her touch all over my body.

But the fake yet real moment was quickly interrupted by someone clearing their throat—easily forcing Fenix to take a large step back from me.

And as soon as I met her heavy eyes, I could easily pinpoint the darkness growing behind them.

It was clear that a few seconds too late and Fenix would've easily pulled me into one of the rooms nearby.

And the idea alone made me wish that we never got interrupted in the first place.

I forcefully cleared my throat, reluctantly pulling my eyes away from Fenix and looking over to the man.

"You guys aren't allowed to be up here," the guy politely informed us.

I nodded quickly, "Of course—we were just..." I awkwardly trailed off, and even if I was putting on a hopeless act—I could easily feel a real shyness growing around me.

I just kissed Fenix.

And she kissed me back.

"It's all good—We'll escort you back down to the party," the man said, easily making my eyes dart over to the two other men standing behind him.

I nodded, taking a step toward Fenix and locking my arm with hers as two of the men walked passed us to take the lead.

The hallway seemed to be entirely quiet as our shoes clicked down against the expensive floors.

Luckily, Fenix and I had scoped out the estate before.

Otherwise, we wouldn't have noticed the wrong turn the men purposely took.

And just as both Fenix and I reached for our guns, I was pulled back by one of the men behind us.

"Make any sudden moves and I'll kill her," the man from behind me said.

So much for not getting messy.

I remained completely still, feeling the cool metal of the man's gun pressed to my temple.

Fenix didn't seem fazed in the slightest, but then again she never did.

"You think I care if you kill her?" Fenix questioned, smirking to herself as she reached for her gun anyway.

I'm hoping that she was just putting on an act—but even if she wasn't, it shouldn't matter.

I mean just this morning I couldn't stand her presence.

The other two men pulled out their guns, prepared to take on the two of us.

But when Fenix easily shot one of the men in the head and the man behind me didn't seem to kill me on the spot—my brows furrowed, something wasn't right.

And it's clear Fenix thought the same thing.

But neither of us had time to think it through—not when Fenix began fighting the other man while I head-butted the one behind me.

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