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Feels like we're in a cool movie. "

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There was truly only one thing Asher Lewis knew for a complete and utter fact. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration. She also knows her life sucks, her dad's dead, her brother's dead, her mom's dead, she's pretty much alone, she can draw well, she's a lioness, she's incredibly dangerous (more than even she knows), she likes Iron Man, her friends are cool-ish people, etc., etc.

She knows these things for a fact, but that's not the fact she likes to focus on. There is one certain fact that is very much true and amazingly wonderful that she thinks of a lot.

That fact? She's in love with Lydia Martin, and Lydia Martin is in love with her.

Okay, those are sort of two facts, but that isn't the point. The point is Asher never thought she'd have something like that. Love, in the romantic sense. But she did, and it was good for a while. Until her own unhealed trauma worked its way into their relationship and kind of tore them apart. Oh, and Lydia getting attacked and shipped off to a mental facility that hates people like them. Monsters.

But still. She had love, genuine love that Asher knew she'd probably never feel again. At least not in the capacity in which she felt for Lydia. Another fact that she knew for sure.

Why was she thinking about facts? Well, to put it simply... Asher was freaking out and she needed something she knew was real to focus on.

They had a plan, well it wasn't fully formed just yet, but- There was a plan to get Lydia back and it was to be put into motion soon. And all Asher could think about was how many things could go wrong.

For one, most of the McCall Pack and Co. were were-creatures. Meaning, they can't pass the mountain ash barrier keeping them from their favorite redhead. Another thing, they had a pack of evil, resurrected chimera's that were a real pain in the ass. Oh, and another thing, almost every person working there probably wanted to lock them all away too.

So, yeah, Asher was pacing back and forth in the Animal Clinic as she tried to think of good facts to distract herself from the bad possibilities. Normally, she wouldn't use the Clinic as a spot for one of her freak-outs, but ever since she got Deaton back, Asher pretty much became a good ole' fashioned 'helicopter daughter'.

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