Chapter 50

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a few days later...

Jimin POV

Finally! Seulgi's now discharged, and I can now go home with her and Jieun. After arranging everything for her discharge and after paying the hospital bills, she immediately carried our daughter in her arms as I carried her things.

"Are you sure you can carry all that, Jimin?", Seulgi worriedly asked me.
"Yes sweetheart! Don't worry!", I told her with reassurance.
"Alright then!", she said.
"By the way.. our parents are waiting for us at our house already, and auntie will help us bring our things!", I told her.
"Oh! Alright!", she said..

The moment we left the room, we decided to go to the reception area, and there, we met my aunt.

"Hi auntie!", we both said to my aunt.
"Hello darlings! Is Jieunie ready to go home?", she asked us.
"Mhm! I'm sure she'll be delighted to be welcomed by her grandmothers!", Seulgi excitedly said.
"By the way.. have you told mom that we're on our way home already?", I asked my aunt.
"Yeah! I already send a message to both of your parents and told them that you're on your way home!", she told me.
"Good! Then let's head straight home!", I told us them excitement.
"Let me help you with that, Seulgi! Just carry Jieunie with you!", my aunt told Seulgi as she grabbed the bag that she's holding her my hand.
"Oh, ok! Thank you, auntie!", she said.

And as she carried Seulgi's other bag, we all hopped in inside my car, buckled our seatbelts as I drove away. Knowing that Seulgi's carrying a child, she just decided to sit at the back of the car, while my aunt decided to sit beside me on the passenger's seat.

"Seul, how are you and Jieun doing?", I asked Seulgi.
"We're doing great! And Jieun's asleep.", she told me.


Author's POV

And as they finally arrived home, their parents immediately welcomed them and their daughter with warm hugs, followed by their friends who came out from their dining room.

"I didn't know that you guys are also here!", Jimin told his friends.
"They actually want to keep it secret that they'll also come to your house, so that they could also surprise your daughter.", his mom told him.
"Oh! I see! But anyways.. thanks for coming over to visit and to meet Jieun!", Jimin told his friends.
"Of course! Anything for our niece!", Namjoon told him.
"She's so pretty!", Seungwan said as she carried Jieun in her arms.
"Yeah! Just like her mom!", Joohyun said.
"Can I hold her?", SeokJin asked.
"Sure! Just be careful on holding her, oppa!", Seulgi told him as Joohyun handed him the child in his arms.

She's so well-loved by her aunties and uncles! Jimin thought to himself with a smile when he couldn't help but look at his friends with endearment as they adored his child like their own.

"Hyung, be careful!", Jimin jokingly told SeokJin.
"Of course I will! And I feel like you should be telling Namjoon to be careful if he's about to carry your child.", SeokJin said.
"So.. when will you guys plan to give Jieun a cousin?", Yoongi said as everyone looked at him with shocked faces.
"What's with that question, hyung?", Jungkook said as Jimin laughed.
"Just give them time, oppa! Maybe they're not yet ready!", Seulgi told Yoongi with a chuckle.
"Of course I'm just joking! Why are you guys taking it seriously?", Yoongi said as he laughed.
"Children, come now! Let's eat!", Seulgi's mom told them.

They all came inside the dining room, while Seulgi placed her daughter on her crib in the living room as she later on followed her husband and friends inside the living room for lunch.

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