Chapter 34

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Seulgi's POV

After I ate breakfast, I immediately took a quick shower before going to work. I hope mom is doing ok now. I thought to myself. After taking a shower, I wore something casual as I grabbed my bag with me downstairs so I could go to work.

"Seul, are you ready?", Jimin asked me.
"Yeah! Where's auntie?", I asked.
"Oh! She already went ahead.", he said.
"Oh! I see!", I said.

After organizing my things in my bag, we immediately went inside his car. Jimin immediately started the engine as we buckled up our seatbelts and started to drift off away from his house.

"Are you ok? You look very deep in thoughts.", Jimin told me as the car stopped when the traffic light turned red.
"Umm... I...", I said as I nervously stuttered.
"Seul.. it's ok! You can tell me anything, and I'll be here to listen!", he told me with reassurance.
"I'm just thinking about my mom.", I said.
"It's alright! She'll be ok!", he said.
"I hope her body is continuously progressing, now that she's starting to frequently take her medications once again!", I said.
"She will! No matter what happens, you can approach me and tell me anything that bothers you! I'm not going to allow you to write something in your diary that you couldn't fully express.", he told me.

Even if I'm slowly starting to push him away, why would he still continue to love me? Isn't he tired from doing all of this for me? I thought to myself as guilt took over my body. A few minutes later, we finally arrived at the hospital. I immediately went inside my mom's hospital room before I could go to work.

"Hi darling!", my mom said as I hugged her.
"Hi Mrs. Park, hi mom! How are you doing?", I said as I greeted Jimin's aunt and asked my mom.
"I'm doing fine, Seulgi!", my mom told me.
"Are you taking your medications?", I asked her.
"Yes darling!", she said.
"Is she taking her medications?", I asked Jimin's aunt.
"Yes, Dr. Kang!", she said as she chuckled.
"Alright! That's good to hear! Mom, please continue to take care of yourself always while I'm gone for work.", I told my mom.
"Don't worry, darling! I will, and I will never ever disappoint you ever again!", she told me.
"Thanks mom! Mrs. Park, please take care and look after her for me.", I told Jimin's aunt.
"Don't worry, I will!", she said.
"I have to go now!", I said.
"I'll see you later, darling!", my mom said as I hugged her and left the room.


Jimin's POV

The moment I arrived at the hospital, Seulgi immediately went straight in her mom's hospital room to pay her mom a visit before going to work, while I stopped by the reception area before I could go to work.

"Dr. Park, wait!", I heard Seulgi's cousin say as I turned my attention to him.
"Yes? What do you need, Hyunggu?", I asked him.
"I heard about what happened to auntie! How is she doing?", he asked me.
"She's doing fine! She's frequently taking her medications, so that her condition won't go back to its worse condition.", I said.
"Oh thank goodness! What about Seulgi noona? How is she? 'Cause I know that she's devastated about auntie's current situation.", he said.
"She's fine yet devastated because of her mom's current situation. For now, she's temporarily staying over at my place since that's what her mom told me.", I said.

When I said that she'll temporarily stay over at my place, I couldn't help but notice the anger and fear from his expressions. I can tell from his face that he's doubtful about me, and also thinking on what if I'm going to repeat the same thing to his cousin again. I thought to myself.

"I know you're worried about her, and I can tell from your expressions that you're scared and mad that I might hurt her again. Don't worry, I'll never do that again, and I hope you'll trust me!", I told him.
"I hope you'll prove it to me that you'll no longer hurt my cousin. Please take care of noona for me and auntie! She's been through a lot already, and I hope you can be her shoulder that she can lean onto, because she needs you the most right now.", he said.
"I promise! And... it'll be ok for me if you'll just call me 'hyung' for now on.", I told him.
"Uhh.. is it ok with you?", he asked me.
"Yes, don't worry!", I told him.
"Alright then, hyung!", he said.
"That's good to hear!", I said.
"Please take care of my cousin, hyung! And.. I hope you can also bring back her smile, 'cause it's been so long since the last time I've seen her smile.", he said.
"Don't worry! I will!", I said.
"I guess I need to go now, hyung! I'll just see you when I see you!", he said.
"You too!", I told him as we went onto our own separate ways.

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