Chapter 9

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???'s POV

I was just doing some paperwork when I suddenly received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello? Who's this?", I asked.
"Sir.. it's me!", the caller said as I realized that it was my henchman.
"Oh! It's you! Where are you? Why aren't you coming back?", I said.
"Sir.. I got arrested.", he said.
"What?! This can't happen! Why?! How did you get arrested?!", I said.
"I came across one of Jimin's friends at the gym to ask some information about Seulgi's whereabouts so we could track her immediately when he suddenly realized that I'm the same guy that tried killing her! Sir, please do something!", he said.
"I will! Don't worry! I'll get you out of that stinking place immediately!", I told him with a lie as I ended the call.

You are the best henchman I've ever had, and you're just too naive just like any other stupid person! Starting from now on, you're no longer useful for me! Just stay there in that stinking jail for a little longer, and I'll handle the rest of my plans! I thought to myself with a smirk.

"Hey you! Come here!", I said as I told my other henchmen to get closer.
"Yes sir?", he asked
"Now that he's arrested , you better not disappoint me if you don't want to end up in jail like that bastard!", I told him.
"Yes sir!", he said.


Seulgi's POV

While I'm eating breakfast, I immediately dialed my mom's phone number to call her.

"Mom?", I said on the phone.
"Hey darling! Why'd you call?", she said.
"Nothing! I just miss you.", I said.
"I missed you too! By the way, how are you doing?", she asked me.
"I'm doing fine. Mom, there's something I need to tell you. It's about my childhood friend..", I told her.
"Oh! What about him?", she asked me.

I was about to tell her about Jimin, when I suddenly saw him, about to approach me in the dining room. No! I'm not gonna let him find out about me. I thought to myself as I immediately went back to my mom on the phone.

"Umm.. sorry mom! I'll just tell you when I'm ready. I need to attend something important, and I'm sure you also need to go, 'cause you also need to do your work.", I told my mom.
"Oh! Ok! Take care darling!", she told me with a hint of confusion present in her voice.
"You too mom! Love you!", I said as I ended the call.
"Was that your mom? Why did you end your call with her?", he asked me.
"She was about to attend something important in her work.", I told him in a cold tone.
"Oh! Ok..", he said in a confused tone when he noticed that I replied to him in a cold manner.
"Umm.. Jimin.. Seungwan and I are going to the mall later. You don't have to take us to the mall but.. is it alright if you can pick me up?", I asked him.
"Sure! Just tell me if you're about to leave the mall already.", he told me.


Jimin's POV

While I was reading a book, the doorbell suddenly rang. I immediately opened the door as it revealed Seungwan noona.

"Noona! Come inside! ", I said as she came in.
"Where's Seulgi?", she asked me.
"Upstairs.", I told her.
"Umm.. Jimin.. I hope you won't be mad about what I'll tell you right now but.. I do not trust you around Seulgi now that you two are temporarily in one roof together, but I trust Seulgi with her choices! So please keep her safe always.", she told me.

It's fine! I understand why they feel like this, and it's because of how I treat their friend. I thought to myself as I couldn't help but look down gloomily.

It Was You [SEULMIN]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon