Chapter 29

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Jimin's POV

While waiting for some of my friends to comeback, I was just seated on the couch, reading a book, I can immediately see from the corner of my eyes that Seulgi is slowly waking up.

"J—Jimin..", she said as I stood up from the couch and approached her.
"H—Hey.. are you ok? Do you need something?", I worriedly asked her.
"No thanks! I'm fine but.. will it be ok if you can help me? I want to sit down.", she asked in a weak and sleepy voice.
"Sure!", I said.

I held her hand and her injured arm gently for support as I slowly and gently helped her sit down. I immediately placed a pillow behind her back for support as she gently leaned back.

"Are you ok? Do you feel anything painful in your body?", I worriedly asked her.
"I'm fine. My arm hurts but it's bearable.", she told me as I gently caressed her head.

The moment I caressed her head, I couldn't help but feel a sharp pain, stabbing through my chest as tears immediately started to fall from my eyes as I gently engulfed her in my arms.


Seulgi's POV

I slowly woke up to see Jimin, seated on the couch while reading a book. I miss him, and yet, I'm also starting to hate him at the same time! I thought to myself as he helped me sit on the bed in an elevated position.

"Are you ok? Do you feel anything painful in your body?", he worriedly asked me.
"I'm fine. My arm hurts but it's bearable.", I told him as he gently caressed my head.

I mean.. among all the people in the world, why should it be him?! Why should he be the childhood friend whom I've been looking for for so many years?! I angrily and painfully thought to myself as I couldn't help but quietly cry in his arms the moment he wrapped his arms around me for a hug.

"Stay away from me!", I said as I pushed him away with all my might.
"S—Seulgi please..", he said as he tried to hug me again, only for me to motion him to stay away from me.
"No! I don't want to hear your excuses! Out of all people in the world, why should it be you?! Why should you be the childhood friend whom I've been longing for ever since?!", I said.
"Seulgi.. A—Aren't you happy that we're finally together?", he said as I couldn't help but feel the pain that's present in his voice.
"And you think it's easy for me to just forgive you and forget everything you did to me?! I've been longing for my childhood friend's presence for so many years, only for me to find out that he was just there all this time, hurting me and blaming my family, especially my dad, for something he didn't really do!", I said.
"Wh-Why didn't you tell me that you knew the truth all along?", he said.
"You think you deserve to know the truth?! If I told you, then it's either you won't believe me or you'll just continue to hurt me since that was the only thing you did to me! I'm not going to take the risk of telling you the truth, just so you can hurt me!", I told him.
"Seulgi, that was before, and I assure you that I'll never do it again!", he said.
"And you think I'll trust you that you'll no longer hurt me after finding out that you were my childhood friend all along?! You know?! I regret waiting for my childhood friend to comeback, only for me to know that he was the one who was also hurting me! And I want you to know that you did nothing but to only make me feel so worthless, and this will no longer change the fact that I'm starting to hate you! Why did you even give me a necklace if you're just gonna hurt me?!", I said.
"So.. are you saying that you already want to throw away our friendship and everything else we had?", he said as tears started to form from his eyes.

What? That's not what I meant! I thought to myself as I couldn't help but overthink because of our situation now.

"Wh—What? No! Jimin, that's not what I meant—", I said but he immediately cut me off.
"It's ok! I understand! Why would you even start a life again with someone who caused you unimaginable pain? If only I could turn back time, I'd change a lot of things, and I should've just helped you find your father's killer instead of venting out all of my anger to you..", he said as he wiped his tears away.

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