Chapter 48

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Author's POV

The moment Jimin and Seulgi arrived at the hospital, the medical director, Dr. Kim, approached them the moment they arrived at the reception area.

"Good morning, Doc!", Jimin said.
"Good morning Dr. Park, and good morning to you too, Dr. Kang!", Dr. Kim said.
"Good morning, Doc!", Seulgi said.
"Dr. Kim, umm... do you need something?", Jimin asked him.
"No but.. I'm just here to give some important reminders the both of you.", he told them.
"Oh! Uhh.. what is it, Doc?", Seulgi asked him.
"Dr. Kang, given that you're 2 months pregnant already, I would limit your working hours starting today. You would only have your first half of your schedule, meaning that I'll not allow you to have rounds like the usual, so that, you could also use the remaining day to rest and to take care of yourself and your baby.", he told her.
"Oh! I see, Doc! When will I be allowed to go back and attend rounds like the usual?", she asked him.
"If you're healthy and strong enough already.", he told her.
"And as for you, Dr. Park.. I would also allow you to limit your working hours starting today, so that, you would be able to take care of your wife and your child.", he told Jimin.
"Oh, I see! Thanks Doc!", Jimin said.
"That's all for today! By the way.. congratulations on your pregnancy, Dr. Kang! I hope that your delivery process will be safe and healthy!", he told me.
"Thank you so much, Doc!", Seulgi said.

And as Dr. Kim walked away, Seulgi and Jimin decided to go to work now.

"I'll go to work now, sweetheart! If anything happens or if you need anything, just don't hesitate to tell your medical assistant, so that, she could also remind me about it!", Jimin told her.
"Oh, Seungyeon unnie? You have her number?", Seulgi asked.
"Yeah! I asked her to take care and to keep an eye on you always while I'm gone, so that, if something happens, she'll let me know immediately.", he said.
"Oh, I see! I'll just see you at lunch, Chim!", she said.
"Yeah! We'll immediately leave right after lunch break! I'll see you later, Seul! Take care of yourself and our baby always!", he told her as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

The moment Seulgi came inside her clinic, I immediately wore her white coat and her stethoscope around her neck to proceed with work.

"Seul, if you need anything, just don't hesitate to tell me immediately.", Seungyeon told her.
"I will, unnie! Thanks for the concern!", Seulgi said.
"By the way.. congratulations on your pregnancy!", she said.
"Thank you, unnie! By the way, let's start admitting patients now!", Seulgi told her.
"Alright!", she said as they both proceeded with work.


Jimin's POV

Before proceeding with work, I suddenly received a phone call from my aunt. What is it this time? I worriedly thought to myself as I answered the call.

"Auntie?", I said on the phone.
"Jimin, hi! How are you doing? By the way.. congratulations on your wife's pregnancy!", she said.
"I'm doing fine, thanks auntie! By the way.. why did you call? Do you need something? Did something happen?", I asked her.
"Jimin, I know that you're busy with work and knowing that you also need to take care for Seulgi since she's pregnant but.. I need to tell you something! It's about your uncle.", she said, with a hint of concern and fear present in her voice.
"What is it?", I asked her.
"It's about your uncle..", she said.
"Oh! Umm.. what about him?", I worriedly asked her.
"He's dead..", she said.

I don't know why but... the moment she told me that he's dead, I felt a slight, sharp pain stabbing my chest with a hint of relief. I'm sorry that you're gone but.. it's better that way, so that no one else would bother or put my family in danger again. I thought to myself.

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