Chapter 11 (Patience)

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  As I make my way back into the smut room, I skim the room for dark hair and raven tattoo. Or anyone that can help me find him.

I start walking. The pain between my legs is almost unbearable. The constant throbbing, a reminder of Phoenix between my legs. Phoenix was not joking. He made a dent, that's for sure.

Okay where are you Dominic? Someone with light brown shaggy hair catches my eye. Sean? Is that you? I get closer to him. And that is for sure Sean Roberts! Holy crap!

I make my way over to him, pushing through several serial killers and mafia. "Sean!" I yell trying to get his attention.

"Hey, are you Patience or Stevi?" He asks, walking over to me.

"How the hell did you know my name?" I ask, shocked.

"Well word is spreading that there are two outsiders lurking around here. Plus we're all guys and you two are the only girls, so I figured you had to be one of them."

"Oh ok. Well anyways, I'm Patience. I'm looking for Dominic? Have you seen him?"

"Dominic is over there in the corner, reading." He points to the far corner. Where there's the least amount of people.

"Okay thanks Sean."

I take off in his direction. When he comes into view, I see he has his nose in a book. I catch a glimpse of the cover and he's reading '1984.' I smile at the sight of someone enjoying the art of literature.

"Dominic King, hello handsome!"

He grins marking his spot with a bookmark and setting his book down.


"Someone's not very talkative." I chuckle.

"Well you know. Some of us are introverts. I honestly don't wanna be here."

"Then why are you here?"

"Sean drug me out here. I didn't come willingly."

I chuckle at him. "Well I just came by to introduce myself."

"Well hey, I'm Dominic King, but you already know that."

"Yeah. I'm Patience. I'm one of the outsiders."

"Nice to meet you, Patience."

"Well I'll let you get back to your book. I know I hate being interrupted, but I do have one favor to ask of you." I sigh.

"Yeah, and what might that be?" He cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Never go anywhere without your gun. Please!"

"Understood. I'll make sure I remember it."

"Thank you."

I step closer, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Ugh, you're too pretty for the lifestyle you chose for yourself."

"I'll take that as a compliment." He grins.

I walk away from him, there's several people on my list I haven't crossed off yet. But one is screaming at me. Killian Carson.

I scan the room again. With no luck, I turn around and head back to Dominic.

"Hey, you wouldn't know where I could find Killian Carson would you?"

"Probably hanging out with all the psychos."

"Ok cool, thanks Daddy Dom."

I turn, walking away quickly before he can comment on that.

I make my way towards the psychos, holding my head high and careful not to show any fear. I get a flash of dark, brown hair out of the corner of my eye. I turn and find a matching set of eyes.

"Killian, hello gorgeous."

"Hello little Rabbit." .

"Kill anyone recently?" I chuckle.

"Not recently, but I could snap at any second. So don't push me."

"I'll try not to, Anyway, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing great actually. I'm here with my people. It's nice not being the only serial killer."

"You're full of jokes aren't you."


"Well I'll let you get back to whatever it was you were doing. Just wanted to slip in and say hey"

"Well hey."

I chuckle at him. "Bye Killian."

"Nice meeting you, little rabbit."

I start heading back for the door. Where is Zaddy? It's my turn. 

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