Chapter 5 (Patience)

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I climb back in Phoenix's lap again after Stevi and the guys leave. "So Rockstar, I want you all to myself before I start spreading it around. Got anywhere we could go?"

He chuckles. "Well there's a hotel up the street, or there's always the tour bus. It's parked out back." He smirks.

A tour bus sounds pretty nice right now. But I've waited for this for a long time and I wanna make it worth it. "I'm good with the hotel."

"Ok then. Let's go."

We find our way through the clusterfuck of book men and we finally make it outside.

"Hotel is about a five minute walk. Want a piggyback ride?" Phoenix smirks.

"Oh my God yes!!'

"Hop on." He kneels in front of me. And I wrap my legs around him, gripping his shoulders as he grips my thighs.

He stands and starts walking, as I curl my face and start kissing his neck, paying special attention to his tattoo. He squeezes my thighs and I'm instantly wet for him again. I sniff him. Taking in his scent and branding it into my memory.

"Phoenix, do me a favor okay. " I pant in his ear. Curling my fingers in his hair.

"What's that, Groupie?"

"When you fuck me, don't hold back on me. I want all of you. I want it to be hard, rough, and memorable." I whisper in his ear, gently tugging on his golden strands.

He groans "Jesus Fuck! We may not even make it to the hotel if you keep that up. But you've tempted me one too many times, Groupie. I'm gonna fuck you so good you won't be able to think of anyone else but me, because you'll still be sore from my cock." He growls, squeezing my thighs.

"I love the sound of that. Do your worst, Daddy!" I nip at his ear. Phoenix picks up his pace and we make it to the hotel.

Phoenix hightails it to his room and I drop from his back so he can dig out his key card. Once the door is unlocked and opened. He smashes his mouth into mine as he walks us into the room.

"Just remember, you asked for this." Phoenix smirks, hoisting me up over his shoulder and I squeal. He takes me to his room, and kicks the door shut before throwing me down on the bed.

I kick off my shoes, and Phoenix crawls on top of me and pulls my shirt off.

He pauses, causing me to look down at him. But his eyes are fixed on my chest, but not my breasts. My collarbone.

After I read his book, and fell in love with him, I got 'Groupie' tattooed on my collar bone for him just because I will always consider myself his groupie.

"I forgot that was there." I blush, a little embarrassed that he's seen it now. "I got it for you, when I fell in love with you after reading your book. Is that weird?" I ask cowering into myself.

"No. Not at all. I love it, and thank you. I'm flattered." He grins, as he leans down and places a soft kiss on my tattoo, right on my collarbone. His soft touch sends tremors up my neck.

"I'm yours Phoenix, and I have been long before I ever met you." I tell him as my voice cracks.

He hovers over my face, staring down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. Then he leans down and captures my lips again, placing a soft intimate kiss on them before pulling back.

"I think I just fell in love with you." He whispers.

I exhale a sharp breath. There's no way I got this man to fall in love with me this quickly. Phoenix is a hard shell to crack.

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