Chapter 1 (Patience)

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"Ugh, why did you insist on going for a hike in the middle of the woods?" Stevi sighs.

"I need the exercise. So suck it up buttercup!" I chuckle.

"I've heard some crazy rumors about this forest."

"What kind of rumors?" asked Stevi, catching up to me.

"Apparently", I said. "There's this cave that's said to contain a magic liquid that can make all of your wildest fantasies a reality."

"Patience, that is the craziest thing I've ever heard! What the hell have you been smoking!?" Stevi giggles.

"Haha, very funny. Now c'mon, we're almost there." I wave her on, quickening my steps, getting more excited with each one.

We continue walking over fallen trees, creeks and stones until we come up to a small cave.

"Did you remember your flashlight?" I ask her, grabbing mine from my backpack.

"Yes, but...I don't know about this Patience. There could be bears or mountain lions in that cave! And you're just gonna prance in there with no protection?!" Stevi huffs with her arms held out.

"I promise you, if I'm right about this. You're gonna thank me." I cock an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, and if you're wrong. We're going to get eaten. No big deal." Stevi says sarcastically.

"C'mon Stevi! Put your big girl panties on and let's go. I've done my research."

"If there's any bears in here, I'm gonna kill you if the bear doesn't beat me to it."

I chuckle at her and grab her wrist. "I'll lead. Just stay behind me." We slowly make our way through the darkness of the cave, taking it one step at a time.

When we start to reach the end of the narrow walkway, the cave is lit up by something other than our flashlights. I pick up my pace and Stevi trails behind me, on the verge of a panic attack, mumbling obscenities to herself.

We reach the end of the walkway and find a fountain of glowing blue liquid, with a stone chalice sitting on the side of it.

"I was right! Holy shit! It's here. Stevi, I'm a genius!" I clap my hands together and jump up and down like a toddler in a toy store. I grab the chalice, filling it with the blue liquid.

"You're actually gonna drink that?" Stevi questions.

"No, I'm gonna pour it up my ass... yes I'm gonna drink it. Stevi, I haven't told you everything. But just trust me on this okay. I promise you, you're gonna love this!" I say, taking a small sip. Strangely the liquid has no taste. It tastes like drinking water so I put the rest of the liquid in the chalice and refill it, handing it to Stevi.

"Bottoms up." I smirk at her.

"I swear to God Patience, this better be worth it." She says downing the blue liquid.

Suddenly my vision starts going fuzzy, and my ears start ringing. The potion is taking effect. Then the cave starts spinning and we both collapse to the ground, and everything goes black...

We both wake in a plain and bland hallway. White walls lined with several labeled doors. I climb to my feet and Stevi groans.

"Patience! What the hell just happened! Where are we!?"

"Shh..." I say scanning the labels on the doors.

Stevi manages to get to her feet and scans the doors alongside me. Each is labeled by genre. Romance, fantasy, mystery, YA, Dark Romance/Smut... bingo!

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