Chapter 1

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In busy Bangkok, Kenta faced a tough life, dealing with shadows and earning respect with his serious and strong presence. Coming from a mix of Thai and Japanese backgrounds, Kenta might seem tough on the outside, but it hides a heart that's been through a lot. His quietness tells a story of a man shaped by a troubled past.

The one causing Kenta's pain was Tony, a powerful and shady businessman, mainly involved in illegal stuff like human trafficking. Tony had influence all over, but Kenta experienced the worst of it within the fancy walls of Tony's home.

Kenta, along with Charlie, Jeff, Way, Pete, and Babe, were Tony's adopted sons. However, one after another, the other five brothers escaped from Tony's harmful control, leaving Kenta behind. For reasons known only to himself, Kenta chose to stick around, enduring the suffering and playing the role of Tony's right-hand man.

Within Tony's dark empire, Kenta had to be cautious, taking the hits from his adoptive father's anger. Kenta felt like a small piece in Tony's sinister game due to not having any special talents. Despite this, he kept going, driven by loyalty or maybe an unwillingness to recognize his own value.

Tony, a sly manipulator, exploited Kenta's weaknesses. Every mistake, no matter how small, brought severe consequences. Verbal and physical abuse became normal, reinforcing Kenta's belief that he was disposable. His room became a place filled with silent cries, a refuge for tears that spoke of years of unspoken pain.

One evening, with city lights outside, Kenta found solace in his room. Tony barged in, his imposing figure casting a shadow.

"You're a let down, Kenta. Utterly useless," Tony spat out, his voice filled with disappointment and anger.

Kenta kept his eyes fixed on the floor, not daring to meet Tony's piercing gaze. He knew what was coming next, having experienced this countless times before.

"I've given you everything, and this is how you repay me? You're worthless without me," Tony continued, his voice rising in frustration.

Kenta's silence spoke volumes, a sign of his strength or perhaps a desperate shield against emotional attacks. But Tony's words had a way of piercing through that shield, causing Kenta's heart to ache with guilt and shame.

As Tony's frustration boiled over, he unleashed a torrent of verbal and physical abuse on Kenta. Slaps echoed in the room, and water splashed on Kenta's face, but he stood strong, enduring the hits with silent strength.

'Think you can defy me? You're just a pawn, Kenta, easily discarded," Tony hissed, his voice dripping with malice.

As the door slammed shut and Tony stormed out of the room, Kenta crumpled to the floor, his body shaking with the weight of the emotional and physical pain he had just endured.

One night, Kenta found Tony in his fancy office, filled with all the expensive things.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" Tony called out, his voice unusually pleasant.

Kenta walked into the room, startling Tony with his sudden appearance. But Kenta's confident and serious expression piqued Tony's curiosity.

"What do you have for me, Kenta?" Tony asked, gesturing for Kenta to take a seat.

"I have some information that might interest you," Kenta replied, his voice even and calm.

Tony raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Kenta's sudden confidence.

"I found Babe. He's with the X Hunter team, and they're the best in the racing circuit," Kenta revealed, trying to control the excitement in his voice.

Tony's face broke into a rare smile, and for a moment, there was a sense of pride in his eyes, making it seem like a real connection between father and son.

"You found Babe? That's why you're my favorite, Kenta. I knew you had it in you," Tony praised, his hand resting on Kenta's shoulder.

Kenta, knowing that this praise was based on deception, kept his serious expression in place.

"I'll keep gathering information
I want to show you I'm loyal," Kenta replied, hiding the inner conflict he felt.

Tony, happy with Kenta's commitment, saw an opportunity to use him more.

"I need you to dig into the X Hunter team. Find their weak spots, exploit them, and bring Babe back to me. Whatever it takes," Tony commanded, his eyes glinting with determination.

Kenta nodded, accepting the task while hiding the inner conflict he felt.

"I'll get you all the information you need," Kenta said, knowing that this was just the beginning of a long and dangerous game he had gotten himself into.

But for now, he had to play his part and hope that he could find a way out before it was too late.

In the following days, Kenta secretly gathered details about the X Hunter team. He watched their every move, listened to their conversations, and took note of their strengths and weaknesses.

He was determined to prove himself to Tony and he knew that bringing back valuable information that would earn back Tony's trust.

Finally, after weeks of gathering information, Kenta felt confident enough to approach Tony with what he had learned.

In a private meeting with Tony, Kenta shared all the information he had gathered about the X Hunter team.

"The captain is Alan," he began, "He's smart and keeps emotions out of his decisions"

He continued, "Way is the tech genius, Dean's the daredevil, North is the powerhouse, and Sonic is the speedster. They're a tough team, Mr. Tony."

Tony listened intently, taking in every detail. He couldn't help but feel impressed by Kenta's loyalty and thoroughness.

"Good job, Kenta," he said with a satisfied grin. "Now, find their weak points. We'll bring Babe back soon."

Kenta nodded, determined to fulfil his mission and bring Babe back to Chen's family.

As he continued his investigation, Kenta finally found a weakness in the X Hunter team.

Kenta finally found a weakness in the X Hunter team. It seemed that their captain, Alan, was struggling to keep up with the demands of the racers and mechanics. They needed a big investor to help relieve the financial burden.

Kenta knew he had to act fast before the X Hunter team could find a solution to their problem. He approached Tony with his plan.

"We have a chance, Mr. Tony," Kenta said confidently.

"The X Hunter team is in need of a big investor. Their mechanics are demanding more funds for quality materials, and the racers are asking for higher salaries."

Tony's eyes lit up with excitement. He had always been impressed with Kenta's investigative skills and trusted his judgment.

"Excellent work, Kenta!" he exclaimed, giving Kenta a pat on the back.

"We'll put this plan into action immediately."

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