25. Revealed Lies

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Team Z's dormitory was silent, at 6:29 in the morning.

The boys lay out on their respective mattresses, snoring away after their draining training the day before. Most of them lay snug under their covers, with the exception of Bachira who had his arms flung to the sides like he was imitating an aeroplane, and Igaguri who was somehow sleeping on his neck and back, with his legs stuck into the air.

Y/N slept soundly, curled up catlike smothered in blankets near the edge of the room. As the clock hit 6:30, the lights flickered on above, and a soothing chime of electronic bells rippled around the room.

"The first selection is now complete." A calm electronic voice rang out from hidden speakers.

Groaning softly, Y/N stirred under his blankets, attempting to get under them to get out of the light. He whined, hands pressed firmly to his ears. "Five more minutes..."

The electronic voice didn't care one bit. "Those who have passed, please put on your training gear, and come to the central basement area of your building by following the lights on the wall."

All around Y/N, Team Z was waking up. Naruhaya cheered tiredly. "It's finally over...!"

Gagamaru nodded along with him. "It is... over."

Next to Y/N, Raichi sat up in a sudden blur of movement. Y/N didn't notice, still trying to go back to sleep as Raichi yelled out beside him. "Took those bastards long enough. If it'd taken a day longer, I'd have trashed the whole damn place."

"Don't be so loud, please." Y/N squirmed inside his blanket, hands now covering his eyes in an attempt to get rid of the light.

"I'm with you." Iemon didn't seem to hear Y/N. "I'm going to take away everything those higher ranked players have."

"Alright!" Igaguri screamed, making Y/N sigh and finally remove the blankets. No point in trying to sleep when I'm surrounded by idiots. "What's so good about being ranked high anyway?!"

Team Z's room became a hive of activity, extremely quickly. Most of them were itching to touch a soccer ball again, rushing to put on their uniforms and to get out of the room. Others, like Y/N, were still trying to get awake.

He rubbed at his eyes drowsily. Passing in front of him, Bachira dropped a pile of Bluelock uniform on him, smiling cheerfully. "I got your uniform for you!" The bumblebee sat next to him on his mattress. "Are you excited?"

"I would be more excited if it wasn't half six." Y/N sighed again, blinking sleep from his eyes as he picked up the uniform.

"Of course." Bachira crossed his legs, examining his own Bluelock uniform with wide, childish eyes. "But maybe the second selection takes a lot of time, so we need to wake up early."

Y/N just shrugged.

He took off his sleeping clothes, quickly changing into the tight-fitting, soft clothes they usually wore for training and matches. Everyone around the room was doing the same thing, just much, much faster as they rushed to get out of the door.

Before they could, Kuon and Kunigami both stopped them. "Let's go down as a team. Show some respect to your fellows."

Y/N took his time, zipping up the uniform, pinching at the sides and around the joints to make sure it fitted him well. He was still trying to wake up properly, and headed over to the bathroom to splash water on his face.

When he'd finished, drying his skin quickly with his sleeve, Team Z had gathered at the door. Isagi grinned widely at him, tugging on his wrist to pull the small boy out of the door. "Ready, Y/N?!"

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