You Will Always Have Me

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"right. so if we create a space in which the air pressure and temperature are low enough we can activate the bombs with minimal impact." 

that seemed simple enough. for Hiyyih, at least.

"I will manifest a strong room like space that we can transfers the bombs and weapons to. Taehyun, can you calculate the width and length the room should be to fit the firearms?"

Taehyun looks around, crouching down in front of the vans. 

"I'll need chalk, something to write with."

she nods.

"then you do that, and when the room is filled, I will slowly withdraw the air from inside, out. so it becomes a vacuum. Kai, your job is to freeze the temperature around the room to as low as you can, it'll take up a lot of energy, can you do that?" she asks, but even if he wasn't sure, the situation tells him he needs to prevail and push through.

"I think so." the boy answers with a bit of hesitation in his voice.

"okay. let's move."


"how are you feeling, Hyung?" Beomgyu puts pressure on Soobin's injured thigh, ripping his own plaid cardigan to wrap around the deep cut. 

"been better.. "Soobin breathes out. looking somewhat more aware, his eyes open almost fully and his body leaned on the wall on a half sitting half laying position. 

"your ankle is sprained, Kai can help taking the swelling down on the way back home." Beomgyu informs, his hand pressing lightly on the bumpy, purplish area. 

for the next 5 minutes, he works on cleaning Soobin's leg from hardened blood and sweat until the cut is visible. he gently wipes in clean, trying his best to avoid inflicting any sort of additional pain.

when that's done, he takes the torn piece of his cardigan and loops it around Soobin's leg, carefully tying it while making sure it's secure and tight enough to block the blood flow and prevent blood loss. 

from the looks of it, the cut is not fresh, certainly a couple days old at best.

"any dizziness, headaches, nausea?" 

Soobin shakes his head.

"the drugs are starting to wear off too." Beomgyu notices. "you scared us for a minute there." he tries to smile, lighten the grim mood.

"so he's okay?" Yeonjun chimes in unexpectedly. looking up from Soobin for the first time in maybe since they took place on that sidestep. 

"I'm fine, Hyung." Soobin croaks out, not letting Beomgyu answer instead.

Yeonjun locks eyes with his, skeptical.

"fine is not great Bin-Ah. if you were fine you would be great but you're not. fine is not even fine, people say they're fine to avoid saying they feel like shit." he rambles, clearly distressed and worried. "Soobin, you-" he exhales, suddenly very aware that Beomgyu is listening, he trails off.

"what?" Soobin's voice is soft, understanding.

god, he missed that voice. that tone, reassuring and stable. everything Soobin pretends to be, everything Yeonjun knows he is not. 

despite that, it calms him down just a smidge. 

he hates that, that effects Soobin has on him. but, god... he loves it.

they lock eyes again, dark eyes and warm brown swirling together. he looks deeper, for that same glow he saw earlier, was it real? or just his imagination running wild from lack of sleep.

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