Accept - Deny

153 11 40

"Long time no see, our Hyun Ju."

the man smiles. then clicks his finger. "my bad, sorry. it's Soobin now, isn't it?" he drags the word Soobin. "Soo-Bin.." he sighs. "you know, I have to tell you, that name is not a great fit on you...."

for the first time since waking up, Soobin fought the ropes tying his limbs together, in a panicked manner, although knowing it'll do more harm than good.

he just couldn't sit, and watch the man who practically raised him back in his father's gang, the man who used to run drills on him, and have fighting matches with. the person who was his dad's number one, and equally responsible for making Soobin the man he is today.

everything Soobin regrets, comes down to everything they made him do, what they made out of him. a shell of a person, a killing machine.

he wants to believe he changed for the better. developed his own personality. learned what's right and what's wrong, and while he's still considered a criminal he no longer wishes to be one, especially not one that kills for money.

the man himself, hasn't changed a bit. his eyes still sharp, and fierce as ever, his little bird, that was once gray is now accompanied by a couple of white hairs. but besides that, he looked exactly the same.

"Soobin, sounds too soft for you." the man, who Soobin knows as S.nake. his name was never reveal in their agency, so everyone just called him S. but Soobin thought snake was a perfect fit for him. "did Yeonjun gave that name to you?.." S.nake says with subtle resentment in his tone.

chills go down Soobin's spine hearing Yeonjun's name come out of the man's mouth.

"what do you want?" he manages to put on a brave face despite shaking inside. upon seeing the man's face, dark, painful memories cloud his mind. memories he had long forgotten, coming back to him like a swarm of bees inside his head.

"to catch up!" the man smiles. "what else?"

Soobin struggles against the ropes again, feeling more suffocated than what he felt with the hood on.

"why are you so scared?" the man approaches him, and puts one hand on his shoulder, pinning Soobin down. "you don't think I want revenge, right?" he whispers close.

"I'll admit." he walks away, and Soobin's body somewhat relaxes. "it hurt. you turning us in, it was unexpected. and impressive." the man grabs a chair, and drags it in front of Soobin, taking a sit so they're on the same eye level. "and the fake death ploy, even I bought it. now, I don't like to flatter myself, but it goes to say I thought you well, Don't you think?"

no way, no way is he going to take all of Soobin's efforts and discard them as if they were his own. no, Soobin did it himself. he escaped on his own. he took them down on his own.

" I asked you something." Soobin spits.

"I want you back. I think you're valuable... HyunJu."


the man snickered. as if amused, and aware of Soobin's stubbornness. although this time, Soobin isn't being stubborn out of spite, or just for the kick of it. trying to piss everybody off.

there's a lot more for Soobin to lose now, and the man knows it.

"I heard, you have a new addition to your little, fun group." the man changed the subject rather abruptly. "a unique addition." he smiles.

Soobin stiffens in his chair, wondering if S.nake knows about Kai and Hiyyih. worse, about their powers. a man so greedy for money would do anything to have his hands on one, if possible even two supernatural beings. whether it's to sell them, or do experiments on them, Kai and Hiyyih are like gold mines. and Soobin will be dammed if he'll let S.nake have his hands on one of them.

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