Mine Field

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Beomgyu ran through the halls, his feet picking up from the floor high and returning in small, hushed thuds. the walls flew behind him, his eyes scanning every possible corner until eventually, he sees her.

"Hiyyih!!" he yells, his mind and body at once calm down once he spots the streaks of pink hair in the distance. relieve among other emotions wash over him like a wave and he lifts his arm up to signal at her. "over here!"

with Soobin's condition at mind, he doesn't take the time to see whether she notices him or not, instead running the few meters to grab her by the arm.

she turns over, eyes panicked and glowing, ready to attack. her hair flies on her face, tangles and messy as if just got out of a nasty fight. a spot of red near her mouth and beside her jaw turns out to be blood from a long scratch that remained unwiped.

Beomgyu's eyes fill with worry and slight anger.

"what happened?" he asks in a semi moderate tone whilst cleaning the red away from her face. she stares at him, mind blank before getting back to her senses.

"it doesn't matter right now, where's Soobin?" 

right, Hyung.

Beomgyu clutches onto Hiyyih's arm, dragging her to the same direction at which he came from. 

"you know what happened right?" he speaks while they pick up the pace. she tags along, not bothering to ask why, and where he's taking her. she already knows. 

she nods, pulling him in another direction now with the brief, unspoken explanation that it's a shortcut. no time to waste.

as they keep running, minds blank but the mission at hand. Beomgyu tries reciting in his head the ingredients made to complete an adrenaline shot. 

"do you know how to make a functioning syringe?" he whisper asks when they turn past the corner. 

Yeonjun and Soobin are right where he left them, situated on the floor, Soobin laying back on Yeonjun's legs. unresponsive.

is doesn't take being close to hear Yeonjun's cries. the sobs, his red eyes, the pleas leaving his mouth. Beomgyu wishes to erase the images of it off his memory, but he can't.

"D-Don't leave M-me..." his back folds to reach Soobin's height on the floor. Yeonjun's buries his face in the other's dirty, damp clothes. the smell does not stop him from merging his body into Soobin, getting as close as he possibly can just to feels the warmth of Soobin's body. knowing that there's still time.

he's still alive.

"you promised.. P-Please Bin-ah.." he cradles Soobin closer, feeling the younger's lips touch his neck, dry and bloodied. Soobin is limp is his hold, like never once before, his face blank of any expression, resembling a dead person.

fear eats Yeonjun from within, so strong and overwhelming that he does not notices the chest-nutted boy approaching closer, accompanied by a girl that masked behind his tears of pain takes him a few seconds to recognize.

"Hyung." Beomgyu's hand finds it's way to Yeonjun's shoulder, pushing him a little off Soobin's body. reluctantly, the elder loosens up. letting Hiyyih and Beomgyu get a glimpse of Soobin's pale face.

"an adrenaline shot?" Hiyyih ventures a guess of what Beomgyu's thinking of, and behold, he nods with hopeful eyes. "we can try." she quickly agrees upon seeing his expression. it's unsaid, but she knows how important Soobin is to Beomgyu, to them all.

the glue that holds them upright, moving.

without him... they're lost.

"is that all?" she gathers the information, making sure nothing is forgotten.

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