Good Boy Gun Bad

165 13 13

The cluttered noises in the house at 1 am in the morning, the constant running footsteps and urgent yells.

Everyone has something to do, whether it's to fetch a bunch of pencils and a large sheet of paper, fill water bottles, or manifest weapons.

Each one of them eventually comes huddled around the big dinner table with the stuff he was asked to bring. No questions asked.

Taehyun sets the water bottles on the table, along with a few energy bars and a small pouch to carry it all in. He waits for the others to return with their supplies as well.

Beomgyu comes in second, with his pencil set and a A2 sized, white paper sheet and spreads it on the tablecloth.

Then Kai, with a few large bags, a bottle of painkillers and a first aid kit.

"Good." Hiyyih approached the table herself, with a few sharp pocket knifes, a cartridge filled with bullets and only one, silver, pistol gun.

She sets those down as well. "These should last at least 24 hours before they disintegrate. So we better make good use of them before that happens."

The gun sits on the table like the elephant in the room. Heavy, and grabbing everyone attention without them controlling it.

"We got the green light to bring Soobin home." She announces. "It's going to be dangerous, and tricky, but if we be careful. I believe we can make it work without any major injuries."

Yeonjun, who seemed the most detached from reality just a few minutes ago, suddenly light up with energy, and his eyes flash with determination.

"We're getting Soobin back?" He repeats in a strained, yet hopeful tone.

Hiyyih nods.

"Why now? What changed?" Taehyun chimes in.

"The people that took Soobin. They're planning on moving locations at the end of the week." She explains with big, animated hand gestures. "As a result, they intend on opening their vaults tonight. And this is our only chance to get back what they took from us."

Kai raises his arm, like a kid in class requesting a bathroom break.

"Why.. why did they take? I don't understand.." he ask in a quiet, confused voice.

"Oppa.." Hiyyih takes Kai's hand in his, and offers him a system smile. "Do you remember the tubes? The ones you filled..."

Kai slowly detangled their hands, and stares at the table. Not before glancing at Taehyun's face, that by the expression on it, already caught on to what Hiyyih was trying to say.

"I remember.."

"Well." She sighs "those people know that you and Soobin are somewhat related to one another. the word probably spread around after their group in Korea had found the few tubes that survived the explosion I caused at the facility."

"their group in Korea?" Beomgyu raises an eyebrow in question.

"this organization has 3 major branches, if you will." Hiyyih starts throwing up information like she's used to. "Korea.." she raises one finger, then two. "Costa Rice..." three fingers. " and the last one, Italy"

Beomgyu nods to show he received the answer well

"what are those tubes..?" Yeonjun squints his eyes. "why are they so important?"

"the tubes are filles with Kai's power extract. a liquid that is pure energy, and in the wrong hands, the liquid can be very dangerous."

there's silence for a few seconds, before Taehyun musters the courage to ask.

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