The Number You Have-

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"remember, it needs to be either 200,000 colons or down." Soobin reminds when they go into the jewelry store. for the event, they all decided to use the small amount of time they had until the last train back, and go together in order to pick Soobin a matching engagement ring.

"how much is 200,00 colons in won?" Beomgyu asks, already touching half of the glass cases. getting a displeased look from the seller. he bows awkwardly, mummering sorry before distancing himself from the glass.

"hmm, about 500,000 won." (300 US$) 

"hyung! that's so cheap!" Beomgyu exclaims. "oh, this one is perfect for you, look!" he points at a silver ring in a glass case. it's design is quite simple, a delicate thin line of silver that loops around the length of the main ring, giving it a classy look despite the simplicity of it.

"Beomgyu.. this is twice our budget..." Soobin sighs. already eyeing the more cheap stuff in the store.

"no, Hyung. Beomgyu is right." Taehyun joins. "this is pretty, and you love silver too."

"woah... it's shining.." Kai's eyes widen. "Soobinnie Hyung, look."

Soobin dares to glace at the talked about ring. and immediately feels regrets it when he realizes they are right. the silver item is exactly the type of thing he would wear. and curse Taehyun and Beomgyu for knowing him so well, and spotting the ring right as they entered.

"I want to see it on you."

Soobin turns around, seeing Yeonjun look at him with expecting eyes. 

"Hyung.. even your ring is cheaper..." Soobin tries to argue. but it's quite clear that he fancies the expensive ring as well, since he can't stop looking at it.

"and?" Yeonjun shrugs. "I love it either way, and you should have a ring you love too. just try it on.."

Soobin taps on the glass case, thinking carefully.

"I guess trying it on is okay.." he gives in after a few minutes. "But if it doesn't fit perfectly, we're picking another one." 

"okay.." Yeonjun rolls his eyes, and smiles at Soobin's antics. "whatever you say.." 

he signals the bitter seller to the counter where they are standing, and tells her with a few words which ring they would wish to see, and the women opens the case with a sour face, as if the money for the ring is getting out of her wallet.

"Jeez.." Beomgyu mumbles. "she could be nicer."

"she looks mad.." Kai cowers behind Yeonjun. 

"It's fine, Aegi." Yeonjun taking Kai's hand in his. "she's just cranky because it's the end of the day."

the seller converses with Soobin. in both English and broken Spanish from Soobin's side. seemingly arguing with him.

"is there a problem?" Yeonjun asks when the seller points at him.

Soobin purses his lips when the seller says something in her native language, and beside him, Taehyun stiffens, and huffs.

the red headed boy is about to open his mouth, to speak back at the women's words. but Soobin shakes his head.

"let's just go, Hyung." Soobin says with a defeated tone. 

"wait, what did she say?" Yeonjun stops Soobin by grabbing his wrist lightly. the younger turns around, and gives Yeonjun a tired look.

"they don't sell to Gay people." Soobin mouths so that Kai doesn't hear. the kid had dealt with enough already. doesn't seem necessary to put anymore on his plate.

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