Beautiful Creations

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Taehyun yawned, arms stretching to the side and flopping back on the sofa in a lazy manner.

The credits hinting at end of the movie run on the TV screen, the white glow of the lettering becomes the main light source in the living room.

"Well.." Beomgyu sighed from the couch, yawning as well. "That was one boring movie. Lesson learned, never let Soobin pick the movie."

"Hey!" The elder sent him an offended look. "What's wrong with what I picked?" He was ready to defend his favorite movie, only to see that to his dismay, that Yeonjun and Kai had fallen asleep. Both in awkward positions on the sofa. Taehyun dozing off next to Kai, stroking the younger's arm with his eyes half closed.

Beomgyu wore a poker face. but the mischievous glint in his eyes stayed, hinting at a sarcastic comment. And even before he speaks, Soobin lets out a deep sigh.

"Great pick. But we asked for a movie, not a sedative..."

Soobin glared.

"It's kind of hard picking an interesting movie that has no violence, no police, no mentions of police, no knifes, no cursing, a simple plot that is easy to follow and overall no triggering aspects." Soobin deadpans, taking a deep breath.

Beomgyu stares for a few seconds.

"We can always watch Dora The Great Explora.." the younger beams, already singing the tune of the famous children's show. His bright voice against Soobin's sour face.

"Good night Beom." The elder says, his voice clearly shows that he is over that conversation. He gets off the couch, but stops upon hearing Yeonjun mumble in his sleep. It seems like the elder hasn't gone into deep sleep mode and still heard their conversation.

"No.." Yeonjun murmurs. Pulling Soobin with his hand. "Sleep here.."

"Hyung, we'll wake up with sore backs. Come on, I'll pick you up if you're tired.." Soobin tries to reason, but Yeonjun has no intention of hearing him.

"No." Yeonjun pouts. Opening one puffy eye. Hoping that after giving Soobin a pleading look, he'll cave in.

Beomgyu looks at the floor, where hiyyih is also sleeping. Leaned against the sofa and sitting on one of the many pillows in the room.

It's seems like Soobin had successfully lulled everyone into sweet dreams.

Beomgyu looks at his room across the hall, wondering whether if he should even bother sleeping there when it seems to have been an unspoken agreement between them all that tonight, they are all sleeping together. Just like them old days.

He doesn't have to think twice before falling back into the couch, and curling into a ball next to Taehyun and Kai.

He'd missed this. In a way. Not the frightening feeling that came with having to sleep as a group in order to feel safe. But the comfort that he got from knowing he wasn't alone.

He snuggled closer to the red headed boy, pulling the blanket over them 3 and closing his eyes. The sleepiness that washed over him was almost instant.

"Hyungie.." he starts slurringhis words too. In the verge of falling asleep he can still hear Soobin in the midst of arguing. "Just sleep here.

We need you..."


The reason Soobin was so reluctant to join the sleepover. Well, he's sure that if Yeonjun was not half asleep and completely dazed he would've connected 2 and 2 together. And figured it out on his own

Truthfully, saying that Soobin was against the idea was far from reality. In fact, he had missed it too. And it would be a lie if he said that sleeping in separate rooms from the 3 youngers after all these years hasn't made him a bit anxious, or.. a lot anxious. How surprising.

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