Who...Will Save You?

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Taehyun cards his hand through Kai hair, thinking about nothing in particular as the two cuddle in Kai's bed, entangled in each other under the fuzzy blanket.

"would you want me to cut it..?" the elder asks after a couple minutes of comfortable silence. he wasn't sure if the younger was still awake, until Kai shifted over him and hummed quietly.

"Cut what..?" He asks in a sleepy voice and tightens his hold on Taehyun's back.

"Your hair, silly.." Taehyun laughs as if the answer is obvious.

He measures the length with his fingers, seeing how Kai's hair is long enough to be put in a short ponytail. He wonders how it never got longer than that... when Kai spent most of his years in the facility.

Maybe they did monthly, or even yearly checkups for things like that. He wonders if hygiene was even a thing there, they must've had something like body checkups, seeing how his teeth are well polished too.

"Ahh.." Kai hums again, this time a bit lower in pitch, and Taehyun's feels his heart take a dip inside his ribcage.

Suddenly, Kai looks up from his position on Taehyun's chest and their faces meet.

"Does it not look good?" The younger asks, and there's a slight undertone of disappointment in his question.

"You're pretty either way" Taehyun answers without missing a beat. Noticing how Kai's face reddens at his comment.

He snorts.

"You just wanted to hear me compliment you, right?" Taehyun questions, seeing how Kai's smiles against his chest and shrugs without saying anything. "Must be true if you're so quiet.." Taehyun adds, melting inside at how absolutely precious the boy on top of him is.

"Maybe.." Kai admits and Taehyun bites his lip in admiration. Without warning, he flips both of them over, so they're laying on the side, facing each other.

Kai lands on the bed softly, slightly surprised by the elder's action, but says nothing to protest.

"You're pretty" Taehyun says after a long time of drowning in the younger's breathtaking eyes, watching as they dilate in response to his words.

"You're pretty" he repeats, tracing his finger between Kai's beauty marks, connecting the moles like a star map on the younger's face.

"Inside and out Kai, you're beautiful, my eyes and heart can't seem to take it.... I might need to close them for a little while. To so I won't get overwhelmed....."

Kai shakes his head, tears building in his eyes whole the elder takes the side of his cheek in his palm, stroking it softly, and padding some of the fallen tears.

It looks like Kai might just break if Taehyun says another word, but the elder's ready to overwhelm Kai with his love until the younger realizes just how perfect he is.

"So beautiful that everytime I look at you I think... this can't be real

My fallen angel"


"You don't know jack shit about me!" Beomgyu yells, not understanding how the obviously crazy girl in front of him had taken his apology and turned it into, yet, another disagreement.

Hiyyih rolls her eyes.

"Okay, and do you know anything about me? No, that's what I thought.... so Don't come into my room talking about my powers and my decisions when you don't even know what I went through! I however, have been with your stupid ass for the past 5 years, so yeah.. I think I do know jack shit about you."

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