The Home We Longed For

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"stop hogging the game!" Beomgyu yells from his comfortable position on the couch, a controller in his hand and deep in soft covers. looking directly at the pink haired girl who's rolling her eyes at him in return, not having any intention to listen to his complains.

"why? so you could lose again?" she says with a straight face, barely even looking at him as she smiles and focuses on her match.

Beomgyu sinks in the couch, pouting endlessly while glaring at Hiyyih who seems more amused each time he whines.

"Hyunggg!" Beomgyu yells, seeking the support of Yeonjun. "Hiyyih won't let me play! this is my house... the wench.." he whispers the last part, but it doesn't go unnoticed by the person he was talking about.

Hiyyih drops the remote, looking at him with a deadpan face. "what did you say?"

Beomgyu lowers his head, feeling intimidated by her eyes more than he wants to admit, and sometimes he has to remind himself that she does have the power to drop a piano on his head if she wanted to.

"nothing.." he mumbles. sassily crunching a chip from the bag on the small table and cursing her in his heart.

she squints her eyes, and comes closer in an instant to examine his face. he backs away, looking like a kicked puppy being cornered

"sure? because I swear I heard your big mouth say something..." she continues aggravating him, raising an eyebrow to show her skeptism.

he's had enough.

Beomgyu pushes her away in one blow, not expecting that hit to knock her off the couch along with the fluffy blanket.

"hey!" she exclaims, her whiny voice muffled by the blanket covering her plopped body and she take it off with a swing, uncovering her face and some hair strands that managed to get messed up during the fall.

Beomgyu looks down at her disheveled appearance, unable to hold back from laughing. he throws his head back, attacked by an uncontrollable laughing fit and he wheezes quietly, his stomach hurting slightly.

he's about to apologize for kicking her off, when all of a sudden, something collides into his face and he's being sent off the other end of the couch, landing on his back.

he sits up quickly, seeing Hiyyih with a pillow in her hand and a death glare in her eyes. 

"Huh..? this is how we're gonna do this?" he says, a mischievous smile on his face as he grabs a white pillow for himself, and tosses it in the air very lightly before catching it, body language that reads "bring it on". 

"kids. if you can try not kill each other, that would be great." Yeonjun says from the kitchen counter as he chops the green onions for the soup. making sure everything is perfect for Kai's first dinner with them.

well, technically, it's not their first dinner together.

it is however, the first time they've gotten to eat in peace, without anyone on their backs, trying to aim at their backs each given second.

to be honest, Yeonjun doesn't know what happened, back in that room. but Taehyun reoccurring nightmares are enough to let him know that it's been... more than hell.

and for someone who's been in that hell for nearly 10 years, Kai deserves at least one good meal. one peaceful night, where he can truly heal. and Costa Rica could not be a more perfect place for them... for each of them, to finally get the life they deserve. and forget about the past, for good.

so if he has to prepare more dishes, make two desserts instead of just one. generally put in more effort so that this evening will be better, he's more than willing to.

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