If You'll Have Me

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the view passed by quickly. greenery and pretty houses, meadows and small lakes. every second felt like seeing a whole new life reveal in front of his eyes. and he can't look away.

he had never realized how beautiful the world is. how beautiful the world can be, with the right people around him.

"Do you like it?" Taehyun asks, endeared by the way Kai's eyes widen upon seeing the view from the train's window. with his mouth agape and restless eyes who want to take in everything all at once.

Kai nodded, too indulged in the sights around him to answer properly. he put his fingers over the cool glass of the window, trailing the greenery.

he lets out an awed sigh, with a strange feeling blooming in his stomach. is this what he's been missing on? the little things..

going to the beach, and taking the train. eating in a big, family table with food that has been made with love, rather than obligation.

the more he thought about what he had lost, the more unfair it felt.

did he have to wait that long, to have an opportunity at a happy life? a normal life...

was his suffering really necessary? did he had to shed so many tears to finally live?

His eyes start pricking, and he blinks rapidly to stop the tears from falling. He doesn't even know why he feels that way, that wronged.

But whatever it is, It's eating him from the inside.

"Everything okay?" Taehyun looks at him with slight worry and fondness. Wiping the singular tear rolling on Kai's cheek with the pad on his thumb.

Kai nods with a soft smile. Breathing deep to stop himself from crying even more.

"Yeah.." he responds after a while. "I just wish- wish I could've seen this sooner." He refers to the view, but Taehyun is aware of the not so hidden meaning in Kai's words.

"Me too." He settles on saying.

Kai falls on Taehyun's shoulder, despite having grown taller than the red head. He still does so out of habit, and need of Taehyun's warm comfort.

His neck bends a little due to the height difference, and in 5 minutes he already feels the need to raise his head back again.

"I can't believe you're bigger than me now.." Taehyun looks at Kai, who has already attained some lean muscles, and a bit of body fat as well as a few inches to his height in a matter of a few weeks.

The growth was overwhelming for both boys, who had to get used to the quick change in dynamic.

"Well." Taehyun smiles. "Guess I have to use you as a pillow now!" He leans on Kai's shoulder, snuggling in Kai's soft hoodie.

He hugs the startled boy's frame with two squeezing hands. And smiles contently.

"What do you know? You're just as comfortable as Soobin." Taehyun laughs.

"I can't...breath.." Kai giggles breathlessly, smothered by Taehyun's death grip.

"This feels nice too." Taehyun loosens his hold so that Kai can take a breath.

His hands travel on Kai's clothes, holding the younger dearly.

Nicer even..


"What do you want Beomgyu?" Hiyyih hisses in a tired voice.

"Can I.. can I sit next to you?" Beomgyu asks hesitantly. Looking everywhere but Hiyyih's eyes. "My seat smells weird."

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