Bonus Chapter: A Fantastic Fox

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It was an early morning for the two of them. Adora was already up and about, brushing out her beautiful golden locks first thing.

The Ranger was still sound asleep, laying stomach-first on the bed as the blanket covered them just under their torso.

The blonde smiled as she left her hair down, walking on over to them as the sun began to rise.


She sat on the bedside, gently rubbing at their back. She could see some of their faded scars showing since they had a crop top on. Their red hair was also down, again, only long enough to make up a short ponytail, not a long one like Adora's just yet.

Their eyes flickered open slightly, catching sight of that beautiful women that sat beside them.

After giving themself a second to yawn, stretching their arms out, Adora would giggle a little.

"Good morning, Flick."



"Morning, Adora," they moved their head onto its side so they could look at her.

"Enjoy your beauty sleep?"

"Ah," they sat up as Adora was careful to move so they had some room, "I haven't slept like that in ages."


"You certainly looked comfortable," she smiled as they turned to sit properly, the blanket still covering their lap.

"I did?" They asked with a gentle smile as Adora responded with a peck to the tip of their nose.

"You sure did, Y/N."



Adora helped them step out of bed, a hand on their back as they got on their feet.

They headed on over to the bathroom to go ahead and brush their teeth. While they had the toothbrush hanging in their mouth, they asked her, "What's the plan for today?"

"There's supposed to be a short meeting between me, Glimmer, Mermista, and Perfuma to see how things are being handled in the Crimson Waste."

They spat out the toothpaste into the sink, using a washcloth to wipe away anything lingering around their mouth.

"Last time we were there, it was a little wild..." The Ranger made a gesture that emphasized how crazy that last experience was.


"Yeah, it was," Adora agreed as they went to the dresser to brush their hair out.

"But we handled it, right?" She hugged them from behind.

"Mhm," they nodded, leaning into it.



"I don't know what I should do. It's always so boring without you here..." they pouted, Adora doing the honors of tying their hair into that little low-lying ponytail.

"Maybe go explore?"

"I already know pretty much all of the castle by heart, Adora."

The blonde let her hands and fingers gently rub and scratch their hair.


"Well, you could always explore near the terrace! Or maybe the-"

"Actually, I know there are some spots that I haven't checked out yet. Maybe I might do that to keep myself occupied," Y/N would shrug.

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