The Fall [S4 Trailer]

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Adora steps inside of a room, Y/N's specifically. She gazes sadly at the unfinished tech at their small desk.





Only part of her arm can be seen, revealing the blonde to be holding a small flower of sorts. She clenches her fists tightly, her body shaking.





Casta speaks as Glimmer, Bow, and Adora all stand in front of a waterfall, a crowd around.

"We are gathered here today to witness the crowning of Queen Glimmer of Brightmoon."


"She will be accompanied by two witnesses, Master Archer Bow, and Adora, She-Ra, Princess of Power..."





Adora battles Catra in the Crimson Waste as she, Bow, Perfuma and Huntara are trying to recover the ship.


"Wherever I send you, the Horde always shows up to ruin the mission..."



Adora is standing before Light Hope, turned away, arms crossed, looking upset.

"What will you do Your Majesty?"

"We're fighting a war, and the Horde has been one step ahead at every turn."




"Each day that goes by... I lose hope..."

Adora sits in the dead of the night on the balcony of her room, staring up at the moons with a guilt-ridden look on her face.


"I lose hope in the fact that... they're gone for good..."

She steps back and away, rubbing at her arm.




"Once the planet is balanced..."

Adora stands with Light Hope, looking over a memory with her and Mara.


A dark, void like dimension is seen, Y/N floating in place in some sort of transparent, yet darkish liquid, still breathing.

"All will become clear..."

They open their eyes.




Adora stands at the bridge of the Palace with Glimmer and Bow, in her She-Ra form.

Her sword is drawn as she's in a fighting stance.


A familiar boot can be seen, stepping into the frame, quickly followed by the shocked faces of the entire group.

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