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There was a candle, sitting in the darkness.


The flame appeared steady, no sign of going out.

It didn't waver.




But a little gust would come it's way, the light from the flame becoming dimmer and dimmer as it shriveled in size.


The wick fought to stay lit.




But little by little, the flame grew smaller and smaller, until...




Y/N gasped, finding themself wide awake, panting, their back against the door of their room.

They had fallen asleep against it, sitting down.


They rubbed at their eyes, annoyed.



They didn't even bother to acknowledge some of the damage to their possessions as they stepped outside, not showing any emotion.






- War Room -



"I know it's been tough going since losing Salineas, but we're picking up the pieces," Bow announced, standing at the table with Adora, Glimmer, Spinnerella, Netossa, Swiftwind, Seahawk, and Y/N.


"I'm sure we can turn this around," he added.

"I mean, we captured Double Trouble. They're... refusing to talk to us, but still!" He said after an awkward pause.

"So, uh... Swift Wind!"


"Hm?" The steed snapped out of whatever thought he was caught up in.

"You just got back from scouting the Southern Coast. What does it look like?"



"On fire!"

Bow smiled nervously, leaning to Swiftwind, "Anything more specific?"

"I don't think he can really elaborate any more than that, Bow," Y/N stood with their arms crossed.

"It's just... on. Fire."


"Okayyy... Adora!" Bow looked to her, still trying to remain enthusiastic, "You came from Plumeria; what's their status? Any good news?"

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