No Princess Left Behind

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It hurts...



A shout echoed across the walls of the chamber.




I'm surprised... how much this hurts...



So this is her, huh...?


No wonder Adora was terrified...




Another shout.




Y/N's head hung loosely, bound to the wall by electric chains around their waist and wrists.


Their clothes were torn, a sleeve missing as their undershirt wrinkled about.



Glimmer was in restrains as well, red electric binds keeping her bound by her wrists.

She was knelt on the floor, the pain evident as she groaned, waking up.



Her eyes tiredly glanced over to Y/N, who was barely conscious, fading in and out of it.


For a little while, Shadow Weaver had been trying to pry out information, and they had kept quiet, not saying a word.

They knew what it entailed but it didn't matter.

All Y/N wanted was to make sure everyone was alright, even if that meant keeping their mouth shut, and enduring the torment of the mentor.



Shadow Weaver materialized in front of the Princess, shadowy tendrils lurking over.

"Welcome to the Fright Zone, Princess."






"I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows..."


"For my mind to run around, with my ear up to the ground..."


"I'm searching to behold the stories that I've told..."


"When my back is to the world, that was smiling when I turned..."



"Tell you you're the greatest..."

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