Shot In The Dark

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Adora paced around as Glimmer and Bow tried to check the communicator but being unsuccessful in reaching out.

Moments prior, they managed to get a hold of Perfuma, but she seemed on edge, and rightfully so.

According to what she was trying to say before the feed cut out abruptly as she seemed to run away from something, she was trying to explain that Prime did something to some of the rebels. He took them.


Y/N sat on the dais of the captain's chair, worried beyond all reason, their foot tapping.

"Anything yet?" Adora made an attempt.

"Adora, I'm trying, but no one's answering. They're...gone," Bow answered.


"Uh-oh. I think I found the blockade Perfuma was talking about," Entrapta was up at the control system, a hologram popping up as Darla's interface beeped.

It was of Etheria, with several of Prime's ships surroundings the planet.

"That's a lot of Horde ships," Bow spoke with a tinge of nervousness.


"How are we going to get through that? If I could use magic, I'd teleport us past it. I've never felt such a lack of magical energy in my life," Glimmer looked down at her hands, feeling powerless.

Then she angrily thrilled, hands in the air, "WHY DOES SPACE HATE ME SO MUCH?!"

Adora stood, determined, "Our friends need us. Magic or no magic, we're going home."

"So then the plan is what? Flying through Prime's armada of ships?" Y/N stood up, arguing that plan.


"No!" Adora turned, then glancing off to the side for a moment, pausing, "Maybe..."

"We have to try—"

"You heard Perfuma! They're waiting for us down there! They will catch us! And if they do, they'll—"

They paused, already aware of the fate that would come around if such a possibility would become a reality.


"Just... take my word for it here."

"Y/N's right. Charging in like this isn't gonna work," Catra, for once, agreed.



Bow nodded, "We barely made it out last time we tangled with Prime," everyone looked up at the hologram.

"We need to find another way to help our friends."

"Catra, Y/N. You guys were with him. Does he have any kind of—I don't know—weakness...?" He prodded.


"What makes you think he'd tell us that?" Y/N argued, but was very suddenly interrupted by Wrong Hordak.

"You are correct, brother."

Everyone jumped and shouted in unison as they saw him stand before them.

"We do not discuss Horde Prime's weakness," he added.


"Wait—was anyone going to tell me there was a CLONE here?" Y/N whispered.

"He's on our side? How have you NOT seen him before?" Glimmer rebutted.

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