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A few weeks had passed since the war finally ended. Everything seemed to finally settle down.

Reconstruction was just about done on Etheria, and it felt odd with everything somehow returning to normal.

But that was the thing. Everyone was so used to constantly being around conflict, so this was a huge first, especially for the Best Friend Squad and much of the Rebellion.



The Ranger stirred as they slept, turning onto their side. The blankets and such wrinkled under their arm as they curled up.

After a few moments, their eyes flickered open, blinking a few times.

When their eyes readjusted to the light, they were surprised to see it was still dark, the room dim and highlighting the blue and purple light from the night sky.


And even more so, Adora wasn't there.

In their pajamas, they sat up and looked around, draping the blanket around them as they shivered a little.

Y/N's gaze fell on the blonde, who they spotted standing near the balcony. She seemed to just be staring out at the sky. Her hair was down, draped around her shoulders loosely.


"Adora?" Y/N's voice was groggy as they trudged towards her from behind.

"Oh, Y/N. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. You can go back to sleep," Adora whispered, trying to wave her hand in a dismissive manner.

Tired as they were, the Ranger didn't buy it.

"What's on your mind?" They approached, putting the blanket over her. It was a little chilly on this evening, for better context.


Adora quietly sighed, wrapping the blanket around herself as Y/N gave her a half hug, rubbing her side.

"Nightmare?" Y/N wondered, guessing.

Adora nodded.



"You wanna talk about it?"

The blonde shook her head no. It was apparent that this dream really hit a nerve, considering Adora's hesitancy.

"It's okay," Y/N assured her, Adora's head resting on their shoulder as they held her in the half-hug.

The two were silent, standing and admiring the stars.


After a moment, Adora lifted her head to look at the Ranger. Y/N shared a look with her as well, giving her an assuring smile.

They leaned forward and gave Adora a gentle kiss on her forehead.

She smiled and cupped their cheek, her thumb rubbing at it.


Both of them leaned forward this time, their faces flushed, and kissed. It still felt surreal to the pair, that this was possible; That after everything, this is where they were now. But neither Adora or Y/N complained.

It was like a dream, having this chance.

After a few moments, they each pulled back and pressed their foreheads together.

"You wanna know what might make you feel a little better?" They suggested.


Adora's arms were draped off of their neck and shoulders, her hands hanging down near their back. She wondered.

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